Who from us did not listen to enthusiastic reviews of various international programs of an exchange, for example, about training in England in parallel with work or a podrabotka? And, if the age allows, involuntarily reflect – and why and is not present?. But, as we know, the medal has two parties, and psychologist Natalia Kozin tells about the hidden, reverse side of the international programs practising.
– Taking part in the international programs, first of all, it is necessary to be ready
Read More Before making a final decision on participation in this or that program of an exchange, it is necessary to weigh accurately all pros and cons not to waste time and money in vain.
The main minus of programs of an exchange – riskiness of such action. Certainly, stories of acquaintances and enthusiastic responses on the Internet is one, and here independently to live in another’s country some months or year – another is perfect. For example, Au-pair can not get on with a family: even that fact
Read More If you left secondary school in Ukraine and want to graduate in Great Britain, you can arrive in universities of Great Britain, but for this purpose you should pass the special program of preparation for receipt in university which is called as Foundation.
Foundation – the special program created for the international students which purpose is preparation of the foreign student for receipt in universities of Great Britain.
The Foundation program allows the yesterday’s school student
Read More For the young man who only begins the labor activity to get education which will provide employment in global business structures, – almost a limit of dreams.
This aspiration is based on what work for 70-80 % defines a further course of life of the person: whether it will be sure in tomorrow, in what measure it can develop the skills and abilities, whether it will promote on a career ladder, and eventually, whether it will be happy.
Whether there can begin students of higher education institutions
Read More On popularity at our citizens German takes the second position in a rating after English. German everything becomes more popular not only because of political aspects, but also for the reason that Schiller’s language becomes language of businessmen.
Quite recently in Germany the TNS Infratest institute carried out market research where image of Berlin in the world was defined. Respondents who occupy executive positions in 12 countries of the world, often put the capital of Germany on the
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