Education abroad: the best universities of Germany (part ІІ)
The best in biology, physics and mathematics Ruprecht-Karlsa Heidelberg university is the oldest and largest higher education institution of Germany. Created in 1385, today it trains over 26000 students. It also surpasses the vast majority of German higher education institutions in number of faculties. Them here twelve. These are faculties of theology, the right, medicine and the philosophies existing from the very beginning of opening of university, the faculty of natural sciences opened in 1890, and also появивишиеся later philological, economy and social sciences, kulturologo-behavioural, mathematics and иформатики, chemistry and sciences about the earth, physics and astronomies, biological sciences.
In the list of the Nobel winners of the Heidelberg university of 10 scientists. This is Albrecht Kossel (medicine, 1910), Otto Meyergof (medicine, 1922), Otto Varburg (medicine, 1931), Bert Zakman (medicine, 1991), Walter Botha (physics, 1954), Hans Janszen (physics, 1963), Theodor Hensh (physics, 2005), Richard Kuhn (chemistry, 1938), George Vittig (chemistry, 1979).
Biological sciences are a peculiar fad of higher education institution. Except faculty on the basis of university the Centers of molecular biology and the Center of biochemical researches which carry out the scientific researches, known to experts of the whole world operate.
Respectively, to become the student of faculty of natural sciences of the Heidelberg university, it is necessary to have excellent knowledge of biology, chemistry and mathematics, and also to have experience of carrying out laboratory works that is checked in process of transfer of the entrant.
His direct competitors in biology are Tyubingen’s universities, Munich, Freyburga and the Wurzburg, on physics and mathematics – Technical university of Munich, universities Constance and Yens. And among foreign higher education institutions – university of the Swiss city of Friburg, Harvard, Massachusetts technological, Cambridge, Sorbonne.
The technical university of Munich is noted as the best in studying of medicine, chemistry and electrical equipment. It is rather young and was opened in 1868 by Ludwig II Bavarskim as polytechnical school. Later it developed in the Higher technical school, and since 1970 has the university status.
As well as it is necessary to technical college, at this university the faculties connected with the industry and its service obviously prevail. Faculties of mechanical engineering, electric equipment and information technologies treat them, mathematics, physics, informatics, chemistry, civil construction and safety measures, architecture, business administration, sports and medicine.
The main specialization of future doctors who were trained here are the oncology, neurology and kardiovaskulyarny medicine.
For the right to be to the called medical disciplines first on training universities of Heidelberg, Munich, Freyburga and Berlin compete to it, in chemistry to them the Higher technical school of Aachen, and on electrical equipment to Aachen – Technical university of Dresden, universities of Stuttgart and Darmstadt is added.
"Focus" considers that the psychology most is in the best way taught at university Constance. It was open in 1965 when Germany could overcome destructive consequences of the Second World War. On the sizes it even less university of Mannheim. Its student’s population hardly exceeds 10000 people. In Constance 3 faculties: natural sciences, humanities, and also right, economy and policy.
Alternative of studying of psychology in formation of Germany the edition calls universities of Bochum, the Wurzburg, Yen, Tyubingen.
To graduates of machine-building faculty of the Higher technical school of Aachen as, however, and other universities, received engineering specialties, unemployment in the short term does not threaten. According to the Union of German engineers of Germany this year there are no 20000 engineers of various specialties, including the construction.
Rhine Vestfalskaya created in 1870 the Higher technical school of Aachen (such is the full name of higher education institution) from the very beginning reflected as the higher education institution preparing engineers for the Prussian industry.
However over time it became known not only as engineering school, but also as about strong scientific center. Five researchers working in its laboratories, got the Nobel premium. Three scientists – Philippe von Lenard, Wilhelm Wien, Yokhannes Shtark became the Nobel winners in the field of physics in 1905, 1911 and 1919. Peter Deby and Charles Tsigler received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1936 and 1963.
From 28000 students the Higher technical school of Aachen is the largest technical college of the country. The higher education institution consists of ten faculties: mathematics, informatics and natural sciences, architecture, civil construction, mechanical engineering, georesources and materials science, electrical equipment and information technologies, humanities and art, business and economy, medicine.
Its faculties of mechanical engineering and electrical equipment were chosen as an ekmperimentalny platform by such monsters of the German industry, as "BMW", "Siemens" and "Mang".
Alternatively studying of machine-building disciplines "Focus" calls Karlsruhe university and Technical university Darmstadt.
Faculty of construction and environmental protection of university of Stuttgart the smallest. From ten faculties, and in higher education institution also there are faculties of architecture and city planning, chemical, geo-and biosciences, informatics, electrical equipment and information technologies, aerospace engineering and geodesy, mechanical engineering, mathematics and physics, the humanities, management, economy and social sciences, construction knowledge is studied by only 2 % from total of students. Or only four hundred people from the dvadtsatitysyachny student’s contingent. It seems that the small size of faculty defined quality of teaching of construction disciplines.
His next rivals are the Higher technical school Karlsruhe, Technical university of Munich and the Higher technical school of Aachen.
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