What is the Foundation program?
If you left secondary school in Ukraine and want to graduate in Great Britain, you can arrive in universities of Great Britain, but for this purpose you should pass the special program of preparation for receipt in university which is called as Foundation.
Foundation – the special program created for the international students which purpose is preparation of the foreign student for receipt in universities of Great Britain.
The Foundation program allows the yesterday’s school student foreigner to become the full student at universities of Great Britain. The principle of operation of "mechanism" is clear – whatever capable to sciences and assidious you were, to go into higher education in Great Britain and in any other another’s country, in nonnative language, in an unfamiliar situation it is improbably difficult.
The year spent behind preparation for university on the Foundation program, fills "gaps", inevitable upon transition from educational system of one country to educational system another. Besides, our secondary education is calculated on 11 years of training, and education in Great Britain and other countries of the West – for 12 years.
Foundation program purpose: preparation of foreign students for receipt in universities of Great Britain
Duration of the Foundation program – 9 months (3 trimesters)
The training beginning according to the program of preparation for university usually in September and in January
Students arrive in one of universities of Great Britain at successful passing of the Foundation program
Requirements for receipt on the Foundation program:
– age from 16 years
– a minimum level of possession of English – intermediate (IELTS 4,5 or TOEFL 450)
– the finished secondary education;
– high average ball of the certificate about secondary education
Foundation program structure:
– classes in English for increase of the general level of English;
– occupations on "the academic language for the academic purposes";
– classes in the chosen disciplines;
– classes in preparation for delivery of the international examination (IELTS).
Listeners of programs of preparation for Foundation university spend a considerable part of school hours for English improvement. It is initially supposed that at receipt on the program they to a certain extent already know English – approximately at level of 450 points according to the TOEFL or IELTS 4,5 test.
Language preparation for university is conducted at once in two directions. Teachers, on the one hand, help students to get rid of a language barrier, to expand a lexicon, to find ease of communication.
On the other hand, in the Foundation program students receive the academic skills – they perfect grammar and skills of written speech, master the terminology necessary for further education at university of Great Britain, and, besides, learn to perceive aurally lectures, to keep abstracts, to analyze read and to put questions according to its contents, to make the essay and written reports.
More often as separate discipline preparation for delivery of language examination on IELTS or TOEFL certificate, since for successful delivery of these examinations of good knowledge of language acts also insufficiently. It is necessary to know in advance a dough format, i.e. to have the clear idea, what sort of a task you should carry out, what quantity of time should be spent for each of them, in what look to make out answers.
Preparation for university according to the Foundation program is not limited to one English. The matter is that between the requirements shown to arriving in foreign universities, and knowledge of the average Ukrainian school student there is a certain gap. Here it is filled also by occupations by concrete subject matters.
The main thing here – precisely to define a profile of future specialty and to choose from the vast list of subjects 3-4 necessary for receipt on this or that faculty of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION. It can be mathematics and physics, or the cycle of natural-science disciplines, or history and philosophy, either economy, or art criticism, – everything depends on what profession you intend to receive further.
Where pass the Foundation program?
Programs of preparation for university operate both at universities, and at the linguistic centers. Successful passing of the program of training gives 100 % a receipt guarantee in one of partner HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS, universities of Great Britain.
To whom to address:
International student’s agency "Star Travel"
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