The international researches which are led time in three years by the PISA organization, showed that at the Finnish school students the highest in the world level of knowledge, they are the most reading children of a planet, besides took the second place on natural sciences and the fifth place on mathematics.
Thus they carry out the smallest quantity of time behind textbooks, and the state spends moderate funds for providing quality and free education if to compare financing education in other
Read More There was a rating of the Polish higher educational institutions. It was published by educational fund "Perspektywy".
The full version of a rating can be used as the directory from which really to get idea of a condition of the Polish higher education today.
Let’s add that the Perspektywy Press publishing house prints an annual professional rating, since 1992.
To a rating got 88 leading Polish universities. Among them there are state and private universities which have the
Read Moreversion The Playboy magazine decided to make the list of higher education institutions of the USA where pass the very best cheerful parties.
Also made, certainly.
Rating decided to base on such original indicators:
– availability of night life to students;
– frequency of musical actions;
– creativity of organizers of parties.
On the first place there was a Pensilvansky university. The man’s magazine reports that for parties students of this American higher education institution
Read More The material is prepared for portal, September, 2013.
About advantages of British education it is well-known and thoughts on study in Great Britain arise all at bigger number of the Ukrainian school students.
What possibilities at the Ukrainian student are to arrive in the British university?
Let’s begin with that for the majority of the international HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS an indispensable condition of receipt is existence of 12 years of secondary education. Also, as
The QS company shared the Rating of the best cities of the world for students (2015).
It is interesting that this rating is addition of a known rating of QS World University Rankings.
This year on the first place Paris, by the way, the city takes this position in a rating the third year in a row, from the moment of the rating basis (2012).
His main competitor – London this year took only the third place, having conceded the second to Melbourne.
As always in QS World University Rankings
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