Not all that gold that is called education
You study on last years, you have a wide range of communication, you know a foreign language at good level, and by experiment of the senior colleagues on HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION you understand, what prospects of further employment at us in the country are foggy even with your rather prestigious diploma?
You, of course, do not trust it, how such can be? After all every year universities of Ukraine let out a huge number of managers, economists, lawyers which, judging by logic, are arranged and successfully work. Far from it!
The best way – to check on a personal experience. You, without hesitation, start to monitor the Internet in search of vacancies, вспомнинать all acquaintances and a miracle function «friends of friends», to call and even pass some interviews.
The result appeared unfavourable: or you have no experience, it is not enough your knowledge and the diploma is not quoted at the employer, or that was specified in vacancy, or absolutely ridiculous money plus the terrible schedule is offered at all. As a result – easy confusion, and sometimes and a panic.
Right there the understanding that your fine specialty and HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION not so such prestigious as it seemed to you comes. And to find in our country decent work of the manager, "foreign affairs specialist" or the economist very difficult not only to graduates, and even to venerable experts.
It not because employers such selective and choosy, and because of overproduction of administrative and economic shots at us in the country. At any enterprise in the conditions of market economy, administrative and economic vacancies with a high salary of unit (and after all and should be if to remember textbooks on economy and management!), and they are filled from internal reserves, that is the checked people that a sin to conceal more often.
It is time to give itself the answer to the main issue – what to do? The decision comes not at once, it is necessary to consult with native and with by itself. Modern and clever parents, of course, will advise to you to continue training abroad as, proceeding from personal experience and communication with colleagues, understand that fruits of foreign training are really applicable around the world and really work, and also give carte blanche to their owner.
Moreover, in the Western economically developed countries rather market and much bigger economy, so and more than managers needing units and economists of the companies, the enterprises and productions. From here the conclusion – there is also demand for your specialization! If to you the understanding of all mentioned advantages of education abroad came, that time to reflect on receipt or transfer to foreign university
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