Au-Pair is the international cultural and language program which main objective is learning of foreign language and acquaintance to culture of the country.
The name of the program precisely opens its sense: expression of "Au-pair" is borrowed from French and is translated as "as equals". Au-pair for 12 months becomes the member of an accepting family as the senior child. Its duties include baby sitting and performance of simple housework. For example, parents can ask Au-pair
Read More Interior design – rather young and perspective services sector. Besides it intensively develops.
Where it is possible to be trained in art of design registration in Germany?
If you were interested in interior design history a little, most likely, know that to individual style to a room started to give attention in the 70th of the XX century.
Today this specialty is offered by 15 German higher education institutions among which there are higher schools of Hanover, Dusseldorf, Darmstadt,
Read More And prestigious in the hotel industry it is considered the most qualitative the Swiss education. It is not casual. After all Switzerland — is the homeland of the hospitality which has created faultless model of training to hotel business.
Training in Switzerland is considered a training standard to hotel management worldwide. Exactly here in 1893 the first-ever school of hotel management opened, and service level in the Swiss hotels conventionally is considered the highest. With the Swiss
Read More In Germany nearly 400 universities.
Therefore, to prefer any of them it is very difficult even to German entrants. What to speak about Ukrainians who before submission of documents in this or that higher education institution should consider mass of details: compliance of the program of training to the expectations, language requirements to arriving, employment prospects after obtaining the diploma in German higher education institution, speed of search of housing for study etc.
Read More You study on last years, you have a wide range of communication, you know a foreign language at good level, and by experiment of the senior colleagues on HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION you understand, what prospects of further employment at us in the country are foggy even with your rather prestigious diploma?
You, of course, do not trust it, how such can be? After all every year universities of Ukraine let out a huge number of managers, economists, lawyers which, judging by logic, are arranged
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