Au-Pair: why the new family is necessary?
Au-Pair is the international cultural and language program which main objective is learning of foreign language and acquaintance to culture of the country.
The name of the program precisely opens its sense: expression of "Au-pair" is borrowed from French and is translated as "as equals". Au-pair for 12 months becomes the member of an accepting family as the senior child. Its duties include baby sitting and performance of simple housework. For example, parents can ask Au-pair to help to set the table or warm up a dinner, to load the washing machine or to stroke children’s things.
As the senior Au-pair are engaged with children: play with them, walk, help to do homework or drive at cinema. In exchange accepting family is obliged to provide to the participant of the program a separate room with the full board, paid four-week holiday and monthly to pay pocket money in the sum from 260 euros in Europe to 770 dollars in the USA.
It should be noted that Au-pair in a coma a case is not the housemaid or the nurse, this person does not receive a salary, and only pocket money for the voluntary help on the house. Moreover, program conditions strictly regulate also quantity of the help (no more than 30 hours per week for Europe and 45 – for the USA) and its specifics. So, Au-pair should not perform a hard work, for example, is high-grade to clean in the house, to clean the pool etc.
The Au-Pair program is favorable to that gives the chance to learn a foreign language and to get acquainted with culture and traditions of the country. Usually participants of this program visit English courses or other language two times a week for 1,5-2 hours, thus in the USA the accepting family in addition allocates 500 dollars for payment of such courses, and in Europe – pays journey to a place of their carrying out.
Also Au-pair can travel across Europe or America during days off and holiday, broadening the horizons even more. For many Au-Pair becomes possibility to remain in the country, after all after the program termination her participants acquire the right to prolong the visa, to remain in the host country and to enter the university.
Requirements to candidates:
Basic level of foreign language skills
Experience with children (care of children of relatives, friends, acquaintances; work as the leader, trainer, teacher etc.)
Skill to communicate
Absence of the husband/wife and children
Lack of addictions
Readiness for performance of simple daily duties on the house: to put things in order in a nursery, to iron and wash children’s linen, to prepare the elementary dishes for itself and children.
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