5 most popular state universities of Germany
In Germany nearly 400 universities.
Therefore, to prefer any of them it is very difficult even to German entrants. What to speak about Ukrainians who before submission of documents in this or that higher education institution should consider mass of details: compliance of the program of training to the expectations, language requirements to arriving, employment prospects after obtaining the diploma in German higher education institution, speed of search of housing for study etc.
Certainly, in Germany there are also private higher education institutions, but Ukrainians the state higher educational institutions usually interest. After all many of them stably take high positions in world ratings, such as a rating of the best universities of the world according to the Times Higher Education version (Great Britain), QS World University Rankings and so forth.
Thus training cost in German higher education institutions is insignificant. The student’s contribution, as a rule, makes 300-500 euros in a semester.
That it was possible to orient in a large number of the higher education institutions offering training in Germany, we decided to select 5 best state higher educational institutions which are considered popular not only in Germany, but also beyond its limits. We hope that the small review will be useful to you.
Vestfalsky university of a name of Wilhelm in Muenster
(Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster)
It is considered the largest among German higher education institutions. At university more than 40 000 students at what according to other data this figure comes nearer to 45 000 study.
In higher education institution it is possible to master about 100 different specialties. By the way, here study even unique and rare disciplines, for example, a nordikovedeniye, the European ethnology, house economy.
As the best faculties of higher education institution are considered medical, economic and pravovedchesky. In German ratings these faculties of university – leaders on level of training of specialists.
In the international ratings they take places in the first and second tens among several hundred European higher education institutions. At university also teach Arab, Chinese, Latin, Dutch, etc. languages.
The Vestfalsky university of a name of Wilhelm in Muenster adjusted partnership approximately with 140 universities of the world. Of them students of higher education institution go to many within programs of an interuniversity exchange of Erasmus. As result, graduates can receive double diplomas.
Heydelbergsky university of a name of Ruprecht and Charles (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg)
The history of higher education institution totals more than 600 years. At this university studied, engaged in scientific and teaching activity G. Gelmgolts, R. Kirkhgof, G. Bronn, E.Erlenmeyer, E.Fromm, G. Gegel, N.I.Pirogov, S.V.Kovalevskaya, D.I.Mendeleyev… It is only a small part of the long list of scientists, writers, public figures, musicians, in whose life the higher education institution won back the role.
The Heydelbergsky university is known for a number of large institutes, the centers and branches which are its structural divisions. It is a question of institute of nuclear physics of M. Planck, the Center of researches of the cancer created on the basis of university clinic, institute of the Southern Asia, the European molecular and biological laboratory and so forth.
The best faculty of higher education institution considered legal. But in ratings high positions occupy also other faculties – medical, pedagogical, historical, physical, mathematical.
This higher education institution is considered the leader on level of a hardware and is one of the leading European centers of training of specialists.
Heydelbergsky university – the first of German higher educational institutions who could get to TOP 100 of a prestigious Shanghai rating. It is the unique German university which opened branches outside of Germany – in the USA, the Southern Asia, Egypt, Latin America.
University of Leipzig (Universitat Leipzig, UL)
This higher education institution on age is the age-mate of Heydelbergsky university. Known graduates of higher education institution – F.Blokh, F.V. Leibniz, A.N. Radishchev, I.-V.Geta, R. Wagner, R. Schuman, A.Merkel. These are not all loud names.
At university students can study the most different specialties. The most popular directions at entrants – economy and informatics, and for foreigners also German (in higher education institution very high level of preparation of translators).
This higher education institution uses the deserved attention at those who plans the life to devote to a science. The university of Leipzig is one of few higher education institutions of Germany possessing the right of assignment of the doctor’s and Candidate degrees.
Martin Luther’s university in Hull (Martin-Luther Universitаt Halle-Wittenberg, MLU)
Higher education institution, remarkable the history and a good education which is received by students in its walls. The architectural complex of university is included into the list of a protected cultural heritage of UNESCO.
At university it is possible to study different disciplines (informatics, agriculture, biology, geology, engineering, law). The main profile – the humanities.
Martin Luther’s university is in number of the best 50 higher educational institutions of Germany which is carrying out preparation of professionals in the field of philosophy, psychology, history, museology etc. By the way, it is one of few German higher education institutions where employment of graduates is put on a serious scientific and practical basis.
Graduates of higher education institution can apply for obtaining double diplomas as the university maintains relations by about tens higher education institutions worldwide.
Free university of Berlin (Freie Universitаt, FU)
The young higher education institution, which branches are open in 5 large cities of the world: New York, Beijing, New Delhi, Cairo, Moscow.
The free university supports partnership with one hundred higher education institutions known around the world and the research centers. In national ratings of Freie Universit? t constantly is the last years in TOP-10 educational institutions, and in the international ratings it gets in TOP UNIVERSITIES of a humanitarian orientation.
The main direction – medicine. Future physicians pass practice on the basis of different structural divisions of clinic "Rummage".
To entrants who want to immigrate to Germany, it is possible to look narrowly at programs in the field of informatics. They can guarantee to Ukrainians of nearly 100 % employment at the country enterprises.
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