Why the Finnish school students show the highest in the world level of knowledge?
The international researches which are led time in three years by the PISA organization, showed that at the Finnish school students the highest in the world level of knowledge, they are the most reading children of a planet, besides took the second place on natural sciences and the fifth place on mathematics.
Thus they carry out the smallest quantity of time behind textbooks, and the state spends moderate funds for providing quality and free education if to compare financing education in other countries.
Compulsory average general educational education in Finland includes school of two steps:
– alakoulu (1-6 classes);
– ylakoulu (7-9 classes).
10 class – additional, there it is possible to improve estimates. Then it is possible to go or to professional college, or to study in lyceum (11-12 classes). The biggest loading only at those pupils who went to study in lyceum, at those who really loves and is capable to study.
7 principles of average general educational training
1. Equality
First, education at all schools the identical. There are neither elite schools, nor weak. At the smallest school 11 children, and in the biggest – 960 pupils study. At schools identical material base, children identical possibilities, and at educational institutions and proportional financing.
The majority of schools – the state, about 10 schools half private. A difference between schools that parents partially pay training, besides, to pupils of such schools increased requirements are shown.
Treat private schools, where special teaching (for example, by Montessori, Steiner, Mortan’s technique, etc.), and also where teaching is conducted in other language (French, German, English). By the way, in the north of the country the Lappish people can be trained in the native language.
Before recent time Finns were not authorized to choose educational institution. It was necessary to send the child to that school which is most closer. Now such ban is not present, but parents continue to send children to an institution closer.
Secondly, profound studying of one subjects at the expense of others is not encouraged. The unique exception for creation of classes with exceptional children are certain tendencies (to drawing, to sports or music).
Thirdly, it is not accepted to specify the social status of parents of the pupil. Questions of teachers concerning a place of work of children, filling of questionnaires – are forbidden.
Fourthly, comparison of one pupils with others is forbidden. Together with all classes are visited by children with limited physical possibilities. At usual school the separate class for pupils with diseases of organs of vision or hearing can be, however, created. Let’s add that in the country the smallest difference between strong and weak pupils in the world.
Fifthly, nobody divides teachers on favourite and unloved. The Finnish teachers should perform the work of the instructor strictly. At schools the principle "respect for the pupil" confesses. Children from the first class know the rights, I know that can "complain" of adults to a sotsrabotnik.
Teachers do not humiliate pupils for one reason. The matter is that they sign the contract with educational institution only for 1 academic year with possible extension, and sometimes and without it. Besides they get very high wages – to 5000 euros the teacher-predmetnik, from 2500 euros – the assistant to the teacher.
2. Besplatnost
Education, and also dinners, museums, excursions, other types of out-of-class activity is free. Free of charge school taxi, textbooks, stationery and even laptops tablets.
Fund raisings from parents on any educational purposes at schools are forbidden.
3. Identity
For each child the individual development plan and training is made. To children textbooks, exercises, quantity of house and cool tasks and time taken away on them individually steal up. Individually and teaching. To someone a serious, detailed statement of a material and to whom – that tell briefly about the main thing.
In the same class at a lesson children I carry out exercises of various level of complexity, work according to their personal level is estimated.
4. Practicality
Finns have a saying: "Or we prepare for life, or – to examinations. We choose the first". Examinations at schools are not present. Tests (control, intermediate) the teacher will see off at discretion.
There is only one obligatory standard test which is led on the termination of high comprehensive school, but teachers do not worry about what the pupils will have results.
At school that can be useful in life is taught only. But children since the childhood know that such the contract, a portfolio and a bank card, they are able to calculate percent of a tax on come into a fortune, to create a site cut-away on the Internet, to count the goods price after the received discounts, etc.
5. Trust
There are no checks, there is no method of offices, teachers do not teach how to train children etc. The education program in the country uniform, it represents only the general recommendations. Each teacher himself chooses a suitable method of training.
The trust to pupils is shown, for example, that they can read the book instead of watching the educational film if it is not interesting to them. The pupil himself chooses that it is more useful to it.
6. Voluntariness
The one who wants to study studies. Force nobody. Teachers try to draw attention of the pupil but if it has no interest to study, then the child сориентируют on a profession which it in the future to be useful. Constantly the two will not put.
One of tasks of high school to find out, whether it is necessary to the specific teenager to study in lyceum, or it is more useful to go to professional school. A certain school expert is engaged in detection of tendencies.
7. Independence
Finns consider that the school should prepare the child for independent adult life. Children knowledge learns to receive independently. The teacher does not tell new subjects, as information can be found in books.
It is important to learn not so much formulas, how many to learn to use the text, the directory or the Internet, to learn to look for information.
Teachers do not interfere the conflicts of children, giving them opportunity to look for compromises independently.
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