Receipt in the British university
The material is prepared for portal, September, 2013.
About advantages of British education it is well-known and thoughts on study in Great Britain arise all at bigger number of the Ukrainian school students.
What possibilities at the Ukrainian student are to arrive in the British university?
Let’s begin with that for the majority of the international HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS an indispensable condition of receipt is existence of 12 years of secondary education. Also, as in most cases students live in the territory of a campus and are responsible for the acts, they should be full age.
Unfortunately, at our 11-year system of school education (2013), domestic students have no possibility to fulfill these two main formal requirements, after all to the majority of school students at the moment of release 16 years are executed 17, and even.
How to arrive in this situation?
Option first, the most expensive for parents, but, probably, the most comfortable for the child – to pass to the British school during the period from 12 to 15 years. It will give the chance to adapt, master as fast as possible language and to pass all further academic program on a level with British.
If the decision to get secondary education in Ukraine, that, upon termination of the Ukrainian school is made, it will be necessary for student to arrive on the preparatory program in the United Kingdom. If you still finally were not defined, in what university want to arrive further, it is better to choose training at private school board on the 2nd summer A-level or International Baccalaureate program.
At good level of estimates in the certificate some schools can offer the annual A-level program, however, as shows our experiment, in one year to adapt in the new country, to master the academic English and to show following the results of a year very good academic results it is almost impossible. After the A-level program, foreign students arrive in the British HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS on a level with the British school students.
Training cost at private school board varies from 20,000 to 40,000 pounds a year, however except the training program accommodation and a food of the child becomes covered. If you already were defined, at what university want to be trained further, it is possible to learn 1 year at this HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION on the preparatory program (Foundation Program) then to arrive on the first course.
Cost of such program of training will read from 8,000 pounds plus additional expenses on accommodation. The Foundation programs not such universal as A-level as in most cases prepare for study in a certain HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION, in certain cases have a number of partner universities, in which prepare the student for receipt.
On what to pay attention:
One of the most attractive versions of the preparatory program for the Ukrainian students today are so-called degree programs of the first course which are led by independent colleges and give the chance to the student to pass upon termination of the preparatory program at once to the 2nd course of university.
It is necessary to notice, however, that the HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION choice in this case is very limited, not all universities, especially most "rating" hurry to take to themselves foreign students on such preferential terms. Also these degree programs are available to only those entrants, in which certificates only the appreciation!
As option, it is necessary to mention possibility to arrive in the British university after 1 – the 2nd years of training in the Ukrainian HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION. However, from all listed possibilities, it, perhaps, the most difficult in respect of adaptation.
The receipt system in universities in the United Kingdom centralized, is administered by the special organization – UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). The introductory company begins usually in a year prior to the beginning of study. With the indication of expected estimates and 5 chosen HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS future students should send demands till October 15. On the basis of these data HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS make the decision on "conditional transfer" and inform the entrant.
The most important that real final estimates which will be known only in the summer, confirmed forecasts. However, even if real estimates turned out below and the student did not arrive in one of 5 chosen HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS, in August it is possible to learn, at what universities and on what specialties there were still places (detailed lists the special annex of The Times publishes) and to file documents already directly to university.
The material was prepared by Svetlana Tymoshenko,
Director of the Educational center Concept
(044) 362-3262, 362-3868
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