The second party of a medal or that disappears behind iridescent responses
Who from us did not listen to enthusiastic reviews of various international programs of an exchange, for example, about training in England in parallel with work or a podrabotka? And, if the age allows, involuntarily reflect – and why and is not present?. But, as we know, the medal has two parties, and psychologist Natalia Kozin tells about the hidden, reverse side of the international programs practising.
– Taking part in the international programs, first of all, it is necessary to be ready to difficulties. Whatever attractive program you chose, what services reliable agency used, all the same something will go not so. Whether meeting in the airport will be late, whether conditions will appear not absolutely such with what they were represented by the participant.
Places where it is possible to stumble and receive not that it would be desirable, – weight. The most usual situation for those who travels with changes, – the plane was late, and as a result of people was not in time on the following. Nobody is guilty, it seems, but what to do? Take a word, it is already enough of it to become puzzled, be frightened, be developed and fly back or simply to panic.
And after all it is only the most banal and ordinary situation which very often meets. And there is everyone, and it is especially heavy, if the person insufficiently knows language. Therefore those who expects that everything will be iridescent and delightful, I can disappoint: problems will be, and they should be solved. Independently. To deal with tickets, housing, purchases in shop, work. That who is not ready to it, it is better to stay at home.
The second problem – a difference of cultures. First all it seems remarkable: people – friendly, food – all is delightful tasty, and around – extraordinary interesting. But here this condition of euphoria lasts some weeks. And then the depression, melancholy for relatives, friends, the native language, the house begins. It is quite natural – try to move to other city where know nobody. At first it will be very good, but after a while from melancholy it will want to howl – through it pass many moving.
And at participants of any international program this feeling is shown even more sharply, after all it is aggravated also with existence of a language barrier: not only that all another’s so also it is not clear that speak, nuances, intonations of interlocutors are not caught.
Agree, it is necessary to know very well language not to have similar problems. To struggle with such feelings very difficult, but it is possible. It is necessary to take itself in hands and to continue to enjoy life, to happen in new places.
As a whole, it is possible to tell that participation in the international program – difficult test. It is some kind of check on independence and the first step in adult life.
Edition "Work plus Career"
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