Category Education
All school students, students, parents even before leaving school or university start to reflect where to receive or continue education, to pass training, how to build further career. And if earlier everything as a result came to an end with idle standing before selection committees of the Ukrainian higher education institutions, a little productive job search after obtaining the diploma, for the last years there was an alternative. And a name of this alternative – the Czech Republic.
Read More Programs of student’s exchanges between the different countries appeared in the late forties for the purpose of adjustment of cooperation between youth of the different countries. Each of programs is in own way unique – all of them pass on different conditions and provide different possibilities so to participants is from what to choose. However at all programs there is also something the general – base conditions which they show to the participants.
The first restriction which is imposed
Read More The international youth programs are possibility to gain invaluable experience of life in another’s country, to get acquainted with its culture, customs, to get many new useful acquaintances and, certainly, to learn language. Moreover, it not only is prestigious, but also it is favorable – taking part in various programs, it is possible to acquire not only new experience and knowledge, but also to earn. At present in Ukraine there are tens the various programs offering training abroad, each of
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Odnak індустрія
Read More In April, 2013 the Ministry of science and education, youth and sports of Ukraine reported that diplomas of the Ukrainian higher education institutions recognize about 35 countries.
For recognition of diplomas Ukraine signed the relevant agreements at interstate level. For example, our diplomas recognize in France.
In what countries recognize the Ukrainian diplomas?
Agreements on recognition of documents on education are signed with Bulgaria, Vietnam, Hungary, the People’s Republic of