International youth programs: work and training abroad
The international youth programs are possibility to gain invaluable experience of life in another’s country, to get acquainted with its culture, customs, to get many new useful acquaintances and, certainly, to learn language. Moreover, it not only is prestigious, but also it is favorable – taking part in various programs, it is possible to acquire not only new experience and knowledge, but also to earn. At present in Ukraine there are tens the various programs offering training abroad, each of which has the merits and demerits.
Work and Travel USA – the program of a cultural exchange for the students of higher educational institutions of day form of education who are knowing English. She allows to get acquainted with the American culture and traditions "from within", to improve colloquial English and to get experience in the foreign company. The main advantage of this program – it is realized with US State department support therefore all her participants receive the status of "Exchange Visitor" and the official work permit.
Study & Travel Canada – gives the chance to participants to choose independently the training program, proceeding from the desires and financial possibilities. It is possible to attend as short-term language courses, and to get high-grade higher education in one of country universities.
Au-Pair – study, accommodation in a family as the senior child with following duties and privileges. The participant of the program lives together with accepting his family, assisting on the care of children and in a family household within the abilities. To it provide the furnished room in the family house, give out money for pocket expenses, and sometimes – pay a language and cultural course.
Work and Travel Turkey – gives opportunity to students of internal and correspondence departments to hold working summer practice in 4-and 5-stars hotels of Turkey. During a resort season (from May to October) students have possibility to try the forces in hotel business and perfectly to have a rest on the sea coast. And a quite good salary (from 250 dollars month plus tip) – also an excellent way a few to earn.
Study in UK – 4-week English language courses in one of colleges of London, accredited by embassy of Great Britain. Fine possibility to improve the English, communicating with native speakers, and to get acquainted with culture of the country.
Edition "Work plus Career"
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