Category Education
So, having had heard plenty of enthusiastic opinions of friends and acquaintances on various trips abroad and the international programs, you and lit up idea to become the participant of one of them. But one desire in this case insufficiently – it is necessary to pass a long way before the trip becomes reality. But what should be the first steps that the road to the treasured purpose was not thorny?
Step the first. Country choice
First of all, it is necessary to decide on to what country
How there was an idea of carrying out competition on receiving a grant on training at Adcote school?
Many years among pupils of Adcote school the Ukrainian schoolgirls study.
As the principal, I paid attention to high academic successes of our schoolgirls from Ukraine, an active way of life, a wide range of interests and amazing working capacity.
Besides, girls make a huge contribution to school life – for us it means the interesting communication, new ideas in implementation of projects,
Read More You study on last years, you have a wide range of communication, you know a foreign language at good level, and by experiment of the senior colleagues on HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION you understand, what prospects of further employment at us in the country are foggy even with your rather prestigious diploma?
You, of course, do not trust it, how such can be? After all every year universities of Ukraine let out a huge number of managers, economists, lawyers which, judging by logic, are arranged
Read More Since 2004 the British magazine "Times" publishes a rating of 200 best world universities. Estimates such (it is possible to remember still, for example, a rating developed at the Shanghai university use the increasing demand recently.
And no wonder: globalization of education leads to that the competition for the best minds goes any more in scales of one city or one country, but all globe. Certainly, similar ratings are subjective and imperfect. But they allow to estimate the general
Read More You think the most expensive universities of the world is Harvard, the Massachusetts technological university or Yale? And what you heard about Sara Lawrence’s college? It appeared on the first line in TOP-10 the most expensive educational institutions of the world. Here it is necessary to pay for training $61 236.
TOP-10 the most expensive educational institutions of the world published "Vesti". It looks as follows.
1 place – Sara Lawrence’s College, $61236
The educational
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