Since 2004 the British magazine "Times" publishes a rating of 200 best world universities. Estimates such (it is possible to remember still, for example, a rating developed at the Shanghai university use the increasing demand recently.
And no wonder: globalization of education leads to that the competition for the best minds goes any more in scales of one city or one country, but all globe. Certainly, similar ratings are subjective and imperfect. But they allow to estimate the general situation; to recognize leaders and outsiders; to understand, in what ways it is possible to increase quality of education.
The rating of "Times" estimates each university in 6 categories: an expert assessment (40 %), specific quantity of tsitirovaniye (20 %), the relation the teacher/student (20 %), an assessment of employers (10 %), number of foreign students and teachers (on 5 %). Some years the total first place (and the first place honor on all above-mentioned indicators) occupies the Harward university (education in the USA). The number of top ten includes 7 more American universities, and also Oxford and Cambridge.
At the same time the edition notes that number 200 of the best included educational institutions from 28 countries, and positions of universities of the countries of the Asian and Pacific region (China, Korea, Australia) in recent years amplified. Best of higher education institutions of the countries of the former USSR, the Moscow State University, was not included into number 200 of the best, however took the 27th place in the category of natural sciences.
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