First step
So, having had heard plenty of enthusiastic opinions of friends and acquaintances on various trips abroad and the international programs, you and lit up idea to become the participant of one of them. But one desire in this case insufficiently – it is necessary to pass a long way before the trip becomes reality. But what should be the first steps that the road to the treasured purpose was not thorny?
Step the first. Country choice
First of all, it is necessary to decide on to what country you would like to get. Here it is necessary to compare wished with the possibilities, namely – to estimate that, how well you know language of that country to which gather. Silly to go, say, to Germany, at all without knowing German. If you after all chose the country which language do not know, then it is necessary to start to be engaged with the tutor or to be trained on courses, to have at least basic knowledge.
Step of the second. Program choice
As a rule, the most popular countries (for example, the USA, France, Germany, England) provide a set of programs of different cost and duration. It is necessary to study all programs of that country where you are going to go, estimate their cost and time of your stay in the unfamiliar country. It is necessary to be very attentive because age or professional restrictions have the majority of programs. It is necessary therefore to choose not only that suit you, and what "accept" you.
Step the third. Agency choice
Usually services of registration and support of the same program are provided at once by some agencies. It is necessary to familiarize with all of them, to study reviews of their work, to take an interest in cost of their services, and also requirements which they put forward, – some agencies toughen requirements to candidates to eliminate those who obviously will not pass according to the program.
Step the fourth. Collecting documents
After you chose agency, it is necessary to think of collecting all necessary documents which, to a word to notice, it is required much: certificates from a place of study/work, a copy of the passport, an identification code, the driving license etc. Usually the companies providing training abroad not only provide the list of such documents, but also help to bring together them – for example, to receive the certificate confirming knowledge of language.
Well and further – submission of documents, interview, questioning and, actually, the beginning of collecting. Successful trip!
Edition "Work plus Career"
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