Interview to the principal of Adcote Harry Right
How there was an idea of carrying out competition on receiving a grant on training at Adcote school?
Many years among pupils of Adcote school the Ukrainian schoolgirls study.
As the principal, I paid attention to high academic successes of our schoolgirls from Ukraine, an active way of life, a wide range of interests and amazing working capacity.
Besides, girls make a huge contribution to school life – for us it means the interesting communication, new ideas in implementation of projects, acquaintance to new culture. After all creation of the many-sided and interesting environment of communication is an integral part of a good education.
Many years we watch how training at Adcote school gives excellent signal to start in life for our graduates, we sincerely rejoice for them and we do everything from us depending that the bigger number of girls has an opportunity to use all advantages of quality education at traditional school board.
And we are glad that at present we can give such unique opportunity for schoolgirls from Ukraine. The grant is an award for the academic and creative achievements. And I hope that many Ukrainian schoolgirls will use this possibility and will take part in competition.
What conditions of participation in competition?
Girls can take part in competition from 14 to 17 years which know English at level, sufficient for training and residence in the English-speaking country, and also have average ball in the sheet following the results of the last 2nd years not less than 9.
Besides good marks for us unacademic interests and achievements, such as sports, art, school Olympic Games/competitions/competitions, social projects and etc. are also important.
After preliminary consideration of demands (all forms are available to downloading on a site, it will be necessary for participants of competition to hand over tests of Adcote school on English and mathematics, and also to pass interview to the director of Adcote School.
It is possible to familiarize with detailed conditions of participation in competition on a site of our partners, the Educational center Concept
Where it is possible to receive full information?
Detailed information on competition can be found on a site of our partners, the educational center Concept With every possible queries it is necessary to address to the staff of the Educational center.
Also on January 23 and 28 in the Educational center the special meetings devoted to competition will take place. I invite parents and children to come to a meeting – you can receive detailed information, answers to all questions.
When demands acceptance comes to the end?
Demands for participation are accepted till January 31, 2014. In February will pass test, and in April – I will arrive to Kiev for carrying out interview to finalists.
Winners will be declared in May, 2014.
What does the grant cover?
The grant covers 100 % of payment for training and accommodation. It will be necessary for parents to provide to the child flight, to buy a school uniform, books, to provide money for pocket expenses.
It should be noted that the grant is given not for a year, and for the entire period of the program (for example the A-level program lasts 2 years), however the right to a grant remains only under condition of further good academic results.
Who holds testing?
Testing and check of works is carried out by the staff of Adcote school. Interview is carried out personally with the principal.
Tell in more detail about educational process at your school? What do you consider as the most interesting and unusual to schoolgirls?
All pedagogical collective takes part in creation of the program of training, and it allows to make it various and interesting to everyone. Among most remarkable events of the last semester I would like to mention a meeting with the legendary English astrophysicist the Lord Rice (Sir Martin John Rees), visit of parliament, museums and galleries, a meeting with the Member of Parliament from Shrewsbury, excursions to Birmingham and Oxford.
The school constantly develops, there are new scientific laboratories and studios. Good tradition are also musical concerts and theatrical performances participation in which accept practically all schoolgirls.
What prospects at graduates of your school?
It is pleasant to me to establish that fact that practically all graduates of Adcote school receive invitations from universities which they choose for receipt, including Uxbridge.
In my opinion, this fact confirms the highest level of the academic preparation of our graduates, their readiness to continue training at the best universities of Great Britain.
Taking an opportunity, I would like to wish good luck to all to the Ukrainian schoolgirls who will participate in competition!
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