Category Education
To leave on training to England it is not enough ways.
It only seems that on demand "study" on the Internet it is possible to find a large number of information in Great Britain.
Actually among 454 000 sites which appear in Google delivery, there are particles of useful information. But there are a lot of councils how to look for school, how to choose educational agency etc.
Besides, there are many intermediaries who offer doubtful services for very big money.
Read More There was a rating of the Polish higher educational institutions. It was published by educational fund "Perspektywy".
The full version of a rating can be used as the directory from which really to get idea of a condition of the Polish higher education today.
Let’s add that the Perspektywy Press publishing house prints an annual professional rating, since 1992.
To a rating got 88 leading Polish universities. Among them there are state and private universities which have the
Read More Training is not less popular in Germany, than training in the USA or in Great Britain.
But statistically a quarter of students give up study before obtaining diplomas, and among students foreigners this indicator is much higher.
On what it is possible to count in Germany if you did not study up?
So, 28 % of students in Germany give up study even before receiving degree of the bachelor. It almost every fourth student. These are official data of the German center of researches in the sphere
Read More Before making a final decision on participation in this or that program of an exchange, it is necessary to weigh accurately all pros and cons not to waste time and money in vain.
The main minus of programs of an exchange – riskiness of such action. Certainly, stories of acquaintances and enthusiastic responses on the Internet is one, and here independently to live in another’s country some months or year – another is perfect. For example, Au-pair can not get on with a family: even that fact
Read More Switzerland is well-known not only the resorts, but also universities.
And campuses of some higher education institutions are directly at the bottom of the Alps.
It should be noted that in this region universities which prepare experts for work in the sphere of hotel business and tourism mainly settled down.
Therefore to students how to be told, even it is necessary to be able to combine the resort atmosphere with study and practice.
What Swiss higher education institutions are popular
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