Category Education
The material is prepared for portal, September, 2013.
About advantages of British education it is well-known and thoughts on study in Great Britain arise all at bigger number of the Ukrainian school students.
What possibilities at the Ukrainian student are to arrive in the British university?
Let’s begin with that for the majority of the international HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS an indispensable condition of receipt is existence of 12 years of secondary education. Also, as
In Great Britain there was a new "educational" trend.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs recommended to teachers of elementary grades and tutors in kindergartens to report about children who are inclined to terrorism manifestation.
The document with such instructions is a part of the anti-terrorist law discussed in parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs caused a large number of a negative and indignation
Read More Are going to get married for the foreigner?
It is better at once to start to study the native language of the future husband.
Otherwise in the evenings in a circle of friends it is necessary to feel only silent servants.
By the way, to study the native language of the husband it is necessary even in case you know English, your half knows English, but you will live not in the English-speaking country.
Thus excuses, it seems, can be learned other foreign language after moving as in
Read Moreversion The Playboy magazine decided to make the list of higher education institutions of the USA where pass the very best cheerful parties.
Also made, certainly.
Rating decided to base on such original indicators:
– availability of night life to students;
– frequency of musical actions;
– creativity of organizers of parties.
On the first place there was a Pensilvansky university. The man’s magazine reports that for parties students of this American higher education institution
Read More If you left secondary school in Ukraine and want to graduate in Great Britain, you can arrive in universities of Great Britain, but for this purpose you should pass the special program of preparation for receipt in university which is called as Foundation.
Foundation – the special program created for the international students which purpose is preparation of the foreign student for receipt in universities of Great Britain.
The Foundation program allows the yesterday’s school student
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