Category Education
Au-Pair is the international cultural and language program which main objective is learning of foreign language and acquaintance to culture of the country.
The name of the program precisely opens its sense: expression of "Au-pair" is borrowed from French and is translated as "as equals". Au-pair for 12 months becomes the member of an accepting family as the senior child. Its duties include baby sitting and performance of simple housework. For example, parents can ask Au-pair
Read More Interior design – rather young and perspective services sector. Besides it intensively develops.
Where it is possible to be trained in art of design registration in Germany?
If you were interested in interior design history a little, most likely, know that to individual style to a room started to give attention in the 70th of the XX century.
Today this specialty is offered by 15 German higher education institutions among which there are higher schools of Hanover, Dusseldorf, Darmstadt,
Read More Language course abroad differs from courses of foreign languages in Ukraine.
Abroad is a business to which universities and schools approach very seriously and responsibly therefore training try to turn not into reading texts on the textbook.
On the contrary, try to organize such courses where it is possible to receive unique and useful experience.
The intensive occupations, complete immersion on Wednesday, the saturated cultural program and continuous communication in studied language
Read More Being engaged in an education subject more than 15 years, would like to help those parents who plan to educate the children abroad.
"On an example and experience of arrival of children in schools of Great Britain, I collected the most widespread mistakes which are allowed by parents when come to meetings and consultations" – Elvira Kredentser, the director for company development "reports is OLD Academy".
Mistake No. 1 «We want to arrive in the most rating school then
Read More Averages and higher educational institutions of England are considered as one of the most prestigious in the world. For graduates of schools and higher education institutions of Great Britain often there is a hunting, many companies try to catch them in the staff.
Nevertheless, when it is necessary to choose private school boarding house in England for the child, it would be desirable, that it could adapt, join quickly there in process of training and quickly found friends. It is important
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