Correction of mistakes or councils on a subject: How to send the child to study abroad?
Being engaged in an education subject more than 15 years, would like to help those parents who plan to educate the children abroad.
"On an example and experience of arrival of children in schools of Great Britain, I collected the most widespread mistakes which are allowed by parents when come to meetings and consultations" – Elvira Kredentser, the director for company development "reports is OLD Academy".
Mistake No. 1 «We want to arrive in the most rating school then to study at universities "Ivy League" or in Cambridge and Oxford! »It is healthy, when parents have ambitions and a level the highest is put, but receipt in universities is directly connected only with abilities of the child and results of training, and in any way with receipt in rating schools.
And the second, it is necessary to be very careful with concept "rating" schools, as criteria of estimation in different sources by different principles. First of all it is important to parents to understand the school atmosphere, possibility to get support and without serious consequences to pass adaptation to another’s education system without mother’s supervision.
And for receipt in eminent universities – it is necessary to answer a question: "Than such interesting my child is allocated among the others to interest universities? Writing of scientific works in Small Academy of Sciences? Victories in the subject Olympic Games? Uncommon organizing abilities?"
The mistake No. 2 «the Daughter of our friends studied at such school, it is pleasant to us, the girl arrived in the London School of Economy and Policy and we want the son to arrive there. »Schools need to be selected under basic data of the specific child:
– Current level of English
– The academic progress at the Ukrainian school
– Age and the training program on which documents are filed
– Personal characteristics of the child
– To think, at what school the child will be more effective – in small with the family atmosphere or in big, calculated on independent adult children?
– How quickly the child contacts with children from other countries? It is how sociable? From here and percent of the foreign pupils living in school
– Whether can pass examinations and interview in selective and highly academic schools?
– Whether has experience of training on language programs in the country of future training?
– From what age are ready to send the child and whether the child wants to go?
– As far as the child is independent and can give out result without control of parents?
If all parameters are high and your child is ready to independent life – then receipt in treasured university is guaranteed, not important, at what school the brilliant result will be shown.
It only iceberg top at selection and arrival of children in foreign schools. Not for nothing secondary education – one of the most labor-consuming and responsible directions for any agency. And work with expectations of parents demands not only high professionalism, but also psychological preparation.
Very often mothers and father are ready to shift a choice of school on another’s shoulders or on the contrary, in every possible way try to convince of the correctness which often is based on information from the Internet or councils of acquaintances.
Mistake No. 3 «We do not want to send early the child, let arrives in 16 years. »Readiness for training, certainly, at all different, but parents should realize that coming to another’s country, the last 2 years of training before university – following the results of the first year of training it is necessary to pass the examinations which results go on universities.
Improbably difficult, for 1 year to learn it is correctly to write the essay (written works with analytical conclusions) to be able not to solve on physics problems, and to explain the phenomena and processes, and on economy – to analyze falling and growth of the markets, to build charts and all to describe in free English. Discounts that you did not pass all this and did not study in England – will not be.
Ask equally from all. Therefore, if make the decision to send child on last 2 years – is necessary to be prepared in subjects very carefully, differently – it is necessary to repeat year anew. Correctly developed strategy helps to keep nerves, forces and money. By the way, about money. One more meeting mistake.
Mistake No. 4 «Pick up to us, please, the budgetary option of training in Great Britain. Or other extreme – we are ready to pay any price – arrive the child to Eton. »The budgetary and free options – not offer the myths, practically all schools to the students of a grant, but it more often already in the course of training and for outstanding results. Grants can partially cover training and accommodation, and sometimes and all 100 %.
Also, our country participates in the HMC project (theHeadmasters’&Headmistresses’Conference) which is organized by directors of the British schools for developing countries, for the purpose of expansion of possibilities for training of talented children at the expense of 100 % of a grant from school which accepts for 2 years of the child who has won competition on training. Annually, on 5 people have such possibility.
Meeting during trips of our Ukrainian winners – always you are surprised, how strongly they are motivated on participation in all actions of school, always perfectly study and act as organizers of various initiatives.
Worse with those parents who think that having sent the son or the daughter in prestigious school – the task of "a red path" is solved and receipt is guaranteed. Therefore fathers are ready to pay how many tell – the main thing to arrive there where it would be desirable.
And why it is our excellent pupil do not want to take? To correspond to criteria of selection in the British schools – means not only demonstration of the academic knowledge of subjects and high level of possession of English, but also, first of all, ability to see round itself other children with their excellent from your culture of behavior, decision-making, ability to find contact, to work in team, to benefit, and not just to "take" knowledge for receipt in university.
Mistake No. 5 «We want school in London or nearby» is unconditional, all comfortably to reach from the airports London, passing changes, trains – especially if knowledge of English leaves much to be desired. But we will return to the main principle – the school steals up under the child, instead of for convenience of parents. In London, schools of a "day" cycle of training are generally located.
As visas which open to parents under training of children – to citizens of our country who have no residence permit, day schools cannot offer a place. Therefore, for training we accept "bordingovy schools" with a full board.
Among them also it is necessary to conduct search of "the" school in which it will be good, interesting to the child and he with impatience will consider days before the termination of vacation to return to such school.
And convenience and sites are not so important, since across all Great Britain it is possible to travel by the rented car, high-speed trains and buses. Children are met always by the representative of the tutorial organization and delivers прямехонько in school.
With what to begin this diffic
ult way of preparation for training? Certainly, from language programs in the training country. And it is better, if it will be not group, but individual trips.
At first – for the purpose of language studying, then – subjects and, certainly, courses on essay writing, development of critical thinking, leader programs will not prevent. I do not say that it is possible to combine all training programs with different types of sports and creativity.
"If you want, that with your child have professionally a talk, defined degree of readiness for training, made the "road" card and simply advised on what to pay attention and how to prepare – come, with pleasure we will help and we will prompt" – Elvira in STARAcademy invites.
Elvira Kredentser
The director for Company development "is OLD Academy"
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