Category Life in society

LECTURE, PART TWO: Stages of Culture Shock


1 The following items contain important vocabulary from Part Two of the lecture. Work with a partner. Using the context and your knowledge of related words, take turns trying to guess the meanings of the words in bold.

1 If you were to depict it on paper, you might draw a "wave" shape.

2 People do not usually react with fear. Surprisingly, there is often a feeling of euphoria.

____ 3 You are on your guard because of the strangeness of the situation.

__ 4 Differences are likely to seem exciting rather than threatening.

____ 5 They might never recapture the honeymoon period.

6 Many societies have recent immigrants, sometimes in large numbers.

____ 7 Cultural differences can lead to tense relationships.

____ 8 tense relationships between different ethnic groups

9 Different cultures have to live in close contact with each other.

Work with your partner. Match the vocabulary terms with their definitions by writing the letter of each definition below in the blank next to the sentence or phrase containing the correct term in step 1. Check vour answers in a dictionary if necessary, a watching for any danger b connection; association c get back d make a picture of e cultural or racial f stressful; not calm g dangerous h intense happiness

і people who have left their country to live in another country

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INTERVIEW WITH BELINDA: Gender discrimination in the workplace

Here are some words and expressions from the interview’ with Belinda printed in bold and given in the context in which you will hear them. They are foOowed by definitions.

The first answer is yes – that’s my gut feeling: deep and immediate There’s this “old boys’ club,” the support network that men have: groups and connections

I have mixed feelings: feelings that are in conflict with each other Sometimes I think that I’m just making excuses for myself: finding reasons not to feel bad about myself

It’s cool for evervone to be successful: OK




Read the following questions before you listen to Part One of the interview. Which answer do you think is probably correct?

1 The interviewer asks Belinda if she has ever been discriminated against because she is a woman.

Belinda answers:

a Yes. b No.

c Yes and no. d Not sure.

2 The question that Belinda asks herself is:

a Should I talk to my boss about getting promoted? b Am I as good as the men?

c Would I be making more progress if I were male? d What would my brother do in my position?

3 Belindas feeling about the current situation in the workplace is that a there has been no progress toward gender equality, b women should form their own support groups, c there is more opportunity for women today than in the past, d women will never have gender equality.

4 Belinda thinks that women

a usually think about themselves more than men do. b help themselves and other people, too. c work much harder than men.

d can’t make a place for themselves in the business world.


Now listen to the interview. Take notes on what Belinda says. Use your notes to choose the best response lor each question in step 1. Circle one choice for each question.

3 Compare your answers with a partner.

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Work with a partner. Think of times in your own lives when vour parents or caregivers rewarded you, punished you, or provided you with a clear model. Tell your partner about your experiences and compare your stories. Which of the three methods were successful? Which were not? Why?


An issue becomes more interesting if you share your own opinion about it. Your ideas will probably be influenced by many factors, including your age, educational experience, and cultural background. It is likely that people with backgrounds different from yours will have different opinions.


Child care arrangements for preschool children

Source: U. S. Census Bureau, 1997


Parent cares for child while working

Look at the pie chart and read the list of possible arrangements for preschool child care – ways that children who are not yet old enough to go to school can be cared for.

Possible arrangements for preschool child care:

1 The mother stays home and takes care of the child.

2 The father stays home and takes care of the child.

3 The child is cared for by a relative, such as an aunt, uncle, or grandparent.

4 The child goes to a child-care center.

5 The child has a babysitter at home.

6 The child is cared for bv a babysitter in another home.


Review your notes on modeling from Part Two of the lecture. Then discuss the following question in a small group:

vour discussion:

You can use these phrases in

• / really think that. . .

• I strongly believe that. . .

• I am convinced that. . .

• I worry that. . .

• I am concerned about. . .

• The problem is that. . .

• The main advantage is that. . .

• A disadvantage might be that. . .

For each of the six possible arrangements listed in step I, what are the advantages and disadvantages for children and their parents in relation to modeling?

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Whenever a lecturer draws a diagram or puts a chart on the board during a lecture, you should always copy it into your notes. You can add extra information from the lecture to the diagram or chart as the lecturer speaks.

1 Look at the diagram that Professor Zalz put on the board during the second part of the lecture. This diagram represents the "wave” that shows the different stages of culture shock. Notice that the lecturer numbered the stages і, 2, and 3.

As you listen to this part of the lecture, take notes on your own paper. Then use your notes to fill in the diagram with the names of the different stages of culture shock (in the left column) and the different emotions for each stage (in the right column).


Emotions of culture shock







Stages of culture shock

Letdown (becoming disappointed because something is not as good as you expected)

Honeymoon (feeling wonderful, like people who take a “honeymoon” trip after they get married)

Resignation (becoming accustomed to a new situation, even if it is difficult)



Compare your diagram with a partner.

Practice giving an oral summary of the three stages of culture shock with your partner.



1 Work in a small group. Read the list of behaviors below. Discuss whether these behaviors are acceptable in your community? Why or why not?

1 Kissing your friends two or three times on alternating cheeks when you greet them

2 Holding hands with a person of the same sex when you walk in the street

3 Eating or drinking in the street

4 Pointing at someone with your forefinger

5 Crossing your legs in public


In your group, discuss the kinds of behavior that a person visiting your community should know about. What is considered acceptable or unacceptable?

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INTERVIEW WITH FARNSWORTH: Gender inequality at home and in the workplace

Here are some words and expressions from the interview with Farnsworth printed in bold and given in the context in which you will hear them. They are followed bv definitions.

a pay disparity: difference in pay

The changes in the last twenty years have been relatively modest: not veiy large or important

Ninety percent of my colleagues are women: coworkers

both the CEO and his boss: chief executive officer – one of the most important positions in a company

Men are raised with a sense of entitlement: a feeling that they deserve the best opportunities

if they are divorced and have custody: legal responsibility for a child

Women just assume that they can do it: feel that they can do it even though they haven’t done it before

I joined a playgroup with my son: a group of mothers and/or fathers that meets so that their children can play together

Re wasn’t really an active parent: a parent who is physically involved in caring for liis or her children


When answering true/lalse questions, read all parts of each statement carefully.

Some parts of a statement may be true, but if any part of it is false, then the whole statement is false. Pay special attention to statements with negatives in them. These statements are often tricky. Remember that a negative statement drat is correct is true.

1 Read the following statements before you listen to the interview with


1 Farnsworth believes that there is real equality between men and women now.

2 Women make as much money as men do, so the “pay disparity” that used to exist doesn’t exist anymore.

3 Farnsworth believes that the glass ceiling exists because at his job most of the higher paid positions are held by men.

4 Farnsworth believes that there is much more equality between the sexes at home. Men and women tend to share the housework.

5 Farnsworth wishes he had been more active in raising his Farnsworth

children. He thinks he should have helped out more when they were babies

with tasks like giving them a bottle at night and cooking.

___ 6 Farnsworth says that when divorced men get custody of their children, they

often don’t feel that they can take good care of the children.

___ 7 When his son was small, Farnsworth joined a children’s playgroup. He was

the only man involved in this activity.


Now listen to the interview. Write T (true) or F (false) next to each of the statements in step

Compare answers with a partner and then with the class. Correct the false statements together.

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