Category Life in society


Remember that when you give group presentations, it is important for every member of a group to make an equal contribution. Review the guidelines for giving group presentations on page 73.

1 Professor Gilroy mentioned that many cities have their own "identity” or

“personality.” Look at the following pictures. Do you recognize these cities? What helped you to identify them?



Work in a small group. Choose a city that you know well or a city that you would like to visit. Do not choose the same city as other groups.


Work with your group. Use the categories below to help you describe the identity and personality of the city you have chosen. Add other categories of your own. You may want to do research in a library’ or on the Internet. If possible, use photographs to illustrate what you want to say.

CATEGORIES: geographic location size of city weather

cultural activities typical food customs or traditions architecture transportation problems facing city

4 ! Practice your presentation and then give it in front of the class.


[1] Look at the outline of Part One of the lecture on page 28. Think about what kind of information you might need to complete the outline.

[2] don’t want to be restricted: limited The boys did woodwork: caipentiy

But nowadays, there is less discrimination: unequal treatment Я they need a lot of my support, I’ll give it to them: emotional or physical help

You have to be flexible: able to change according to the situation

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One way to be sure that you have understood what you have heard is to be able to retell the information to someone else from memory. You do not need to use the same words that the speaker used.

1 Read the following questions before you listen to the interview with Gail and Tom.

1 What happened to Gail? Where was she? What was stolen?

2 What was stolen from Tom? Where and how?

3 How did they feel about being victims of crime?

4 Did they report the incidents?


Now, listen to the interview and take notes.

Work with a partner. Take turns retelling what Gail and Tom said. Be sure to include answers to all the questions in step 1. (You can review your notes first, but don’t look at them while you are speaking.)





Percentage of selected crimes reported to the police

Theft less than $50

Motor vehicle theft




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Source: Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 2000

Look at the graph below. It shows the percentage of selected crimes reported to the police.


Discuss the following questions with a partner. Base your answers on the graph in step 1 and your own ideas.

1 Which crimes get reported most frequently?

2 Which crimes are reported least frequently?

3 How do you explain the fact that people report some crimes less than others?

4 According to official statistics, it is estimated that less than half of all crimes are reported to the police. Why do you think this is true?

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When discussing ideas, speakers oflen need to present different sides of an argument. To do this effectively, they use transitional phrases to distinguish belween various viewpoints. To compare different sides of an issue, a speaker might use phrases like this:

. . . but I think. . .

. . . but other people. . .

. . . but the other thing is.. .

. . . on the other hand. . .

. . . however, some people. . .

It is important to pay attention to transitional phrases so that you understand both sides of the argument as well as the opinion of the speaker.

1 Before you listen to the interview with Nina, read these incomplete excerpts. Notice that at the end of each one, Nina indicates that she is going to present another side of the issue. Think about what she might say.

1 It’s fun to spend hours a day surfing the net, investigating something that interests you, but…

2 It’s wonderful on one hand to have the Internet at your disposal, but. . .

3 You get to discuss books with your friends, to share the ideas with others, but. . .

4 I know a little bit about the Internet, but. . .

5 I really like e-mail, but. . .

6 Computers might be great for writing and editing things, and everything looks great and all that, but. . .

Listen to Kina describe her feelings about computers and the Internet. As you listen, take notes about the opinions she expresses after each of the excerpts in step 1. Then compare your answers with a partner.

INTERVIEW WITH KELLY: The benefits of computers and the Internet

Here are some words and phrases from the interview with Kelly printed in bold and ‘ given in the context in which you will hear them. They are followed by definitions.

Letters make better keepsakes: small objects that you keep because they remind you of someone or some event

E-mail is just so much more convenient: easier

for more extended interaction: longer conversations

I have IM (Instant Messaging) configured: set up on a computer

once vour get over your initial fear: first, preliminaiy

just fiddling around with them and testing things out: using them to leant what they are like

My generation is hooked on the Internet: addicted to It makes a lot of things accessible: available

All of my syllabi for my classes are online: plural of "syllabus” (Latin)

The Internet could increase the disparities between different classes: differences / levels of society

Or maybe technology just illuminates existing disparities: highlights, points out

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. The Influence of the Media


In this section you are going to think about the positive and negative influences of the media. You will also take notes on statistical information about television ownership.


1 Read the following passage.

The media has become one of society’s most important agents of socialization. Television, radio, newspapers, the Internet, and other forms of media have a strong effect on the way we think and act. However, there is disagreement about exactly what the effect is. For example, access to television allows us to be better informed and gives us an increased understanding of the world. TV can also be used to entertain us. However, television exposes us to negative images, too. Furthermore, some critics argue that it may make us passive, violent, or too materialistic.

Other forms of mass media, such as video games, magazines, and movies, may influence our ideas strongly, too. We do not yet really understand the extent of their impact on society.

2 I Answer the following questions according to the information in the passage.

1 Does everyone agree about the kind of effects the media has on society?

2 What are some positive effects of TV? What are some negative effects?


Read these questions and share your answers with a partner.

1 Do you watch a lot of TV? Are you concerned about its possible negative effects? Explain.

2 What steps do you think parents, schools, and the government should take to protect children and adolescents from the negative effects of on-screen violence?

3 Of all the forms of media mentioned in the paragraph, which one seems to have the most influence on you? Why?


1 What kind of entertainment do you enjoy? Fill in the chart below.




Three programs you watch:


Three magazines you read:


Three songs you like:


Three movies you have enjoyed:


Three stations you listen to:


Three sites you visit:


2 Share your responses with a small group.


It will often be necessary to record the numerical information you hear in conversations, interviews, or lectures. Practice by visualizing numbers when you hear them and then writing them down quickly.

1 TV is one of the most popular and influential forms of mass media in the world. Work with a partner. Look at the map below that highlights four areas of the world. Guess how many TVs per one hundred people you think each area has. Write your guess in the blank next to each area.

Area 1:______ Area 2:________ Area 3:___________ Area 4:________

Listen to a report on television ownership in each of the four areas of the world in the map in step 1. Write the number of televisions per one hundred people next to


Area 1:

Area 3:

Area 4:

Area 2:

the area being described.


Compare your answers to step 2 with vour partner. Then compare those answers with your guesses in step 1.

Discuss the following questions in a small group.

1 What information in the report surprises you? Why?

2 In which areas of the world do you think TV has the most influence on people? Why? How do you think it influences them?

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Imagine that you are in situations similar to those of the people who were interviewed. What would you do? Circle the letters of all the answers that apply. Compare your responses with a partner.


You are alone in a city and it is late. You need to get home.

Would you. . .

a take the bus or train, even if you have to wait a long time? b walk home quickly but

without being very concerned? c decide not to go home, but to stay with some friends nearby?

If a stranger approached you, would you. . . a act calmly and talk to the stranger? b run away as fast as you could? c ignore the person and keep on walking?

3 If someone told you to hand over your money, would you. . . a agree to give the person your money?

b say nothing and pretend not to hear? c refuse to give them the money?

4 If a person stole a small amount of money from you, would you. . . b be very hurt and afraid?

c feel sorry for the criminal? d feel angry about what happened?

5 If your apartment were broken into, would you. . . a expect the police to help?

b expect the police to do nothing? c feel very’ violated?

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