Now that you have completed the chapters in this unit, your teacher may want you to take a quiz. Your teacher will tell you whether or not you can use your notes to answer the questions on the quiz. If you can use your notes, review them before taking the quiz so that you can anticipate the questions and know where to find the answers. If you cannot use your notes, study them carefully before you take the quiz, concentrating on organizing the information into main ideas and details that support these main ideas.
Work in small groups to help each other anticipate the questions your teacher will ask. Before breaking up into groups, review your notes and highlight important, noteworthy points. After reviewing your notes, break up into groups. Discuss and write specific short-answer questions and more general essay questions. Follow these guidelines in writing the questions:
Writing Short-Answer Questions
• should be specific, easy to answer in a few words or two sentences at most.
• should be clearly stated so that it is obvious what answer is wanted.
• should ask for facts, not opinions or information outside the lecture.
Exercise 1
Judge these questions by the above criteria. Mark each question + if it is good and – if it is bad. Discuss reasons for your choices, citing the criteria above.
___ 1. Talk about the U. S. worker.
___ 2. Do workers in your country work harder than workers in the
United States?
___ 3. What is the basic difference between the service industries and
other industries?
__ 4. In 1999 what percentage of U. S. women were working?
___ 5. Compare the U. S. worker in 1900 with the U. S. worker in 1999.
• are usually in the form of a statement.
• are more general and require at least a paragraph—that is, several sentences—to answer fully.
• usually begin with a headword such as discuss, describe, explain, compare and contrast, list, analyze, or summarize. These headwords explain the writer’s purpose in answering the question:
1. to give all sides of the topic (discuss)
2. to give all the important details of something (describe)
3. to make something clear by giving reasons or by explaining how to do it (explain)
4. to write the similarities and differences (compare and contrast)
5. to name the parts of something, one by one (list)
6. to break something into its logical parts in order to explain it (analyze)
7. to write something in a shorter form, giving the main ideas and omitting the details (summarize)
Exercise 2
Judge these questions by the above characteristics. Mark each question + if it is good and – if it is bad. Discuss reasons for your choices, citing the characteristics above.
___ 1. Compare the U. S. worker in 1900 and 1999.
___ 2. List the percentage of U. S. women who were working in 1999.
___ 3. Discuss the child labor laws that were in place by 1999.
___ 4. Discuss the U. S. workers today in terms of productivity and
Write your group’s questions on the following pages.
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