Crime and Violence in the United States
I. PRELISTENING__________________________________________________
B. Vocabulary and Key Concepts
1. violent/aggravated
2. enforcement/stringent
3. white-collar/embezzlement
4. aggressive/predisposed to
5. to blame/shortcomings
6. root/proliferation
7. deprived of/strike out
8. underclass/disproportionately
9. curbs/socializing
10. values/compassion
11. conscience/bring up
12. punishment/deterrent
13. financiers/lacking
14. takes over/leads to
15. benefits/take for granted
a. Crime statistics match public’s perception of less crime
b. Three secondary support ideas:
1. 1994-2001: violent crime decreased 52%
2. possible reasons for decrease
3. statistics on white-collar crime (embezzlement, bribery, etc.) not as clear
c. Two details for each point.
1. 1994: 51 victims per 1,000/in 2001, 24 victims per 1,000
2. stricter law enforcement in cities/stringent penalties on repeat offenders
3. statistics hard to get and/It doesn’t scare people
a. 2 |
d. 6 |
b. 5 |
e. 3 |
c. 1 |
f. 4 |
II. LISTENING__________________________________________
ST1 liberal theory of crime
ST2 conservative theory of crime
ST3 some solutions to the crime problem in the U. S.
1. 52%
2. embezzlement, bribery, political corruption, and/or dangerous corporate policies
3. racism, poverty, and injustice
4. No
5. the liberal theory
6. by giving them values, a conscience
7. socialization by the family and fear of punishment
8. They’ve enjoyed the benefits of society.
9. good education, health care, and employment
10. conservative
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