Provided below is an explanation of the purpose of each part of a full chapter, which requires about three 50-minute periods to complete. (Teachers who opt to do Pursuing the Topic will need additional periods.)
Discussion: to introduce the topic, to stimulate students’ curiosity, and to begin establishing a cognitive schema for the lecture through a discussion of illustrations.
Vocabulary and Key Concepts: to familiarize students with new sub – technical vocabulary and with the major concepts of the chapter.
Predictions: to get students to invest in the lesson by predicting the content of the lecture through their questions. As students share their prediction questions with the class, a schema for the content is further established.
Notetaking Preparation: to give students strategies for understanding the organization of lectures and for taking down information in an organized manner and in a meaningful, usable form.
Listening: to lead students through a series of listenings to distinguish the main subtopics from supporting details. Some guidance is given, but content is stressed over skills, and the emphasis is on repeated practice at notetaking.
Accuracy Check: to check students’ comprehension and the completeness of their notes through a ten-question short-answer quiz.
Oral Activities: to provide small-group oral practice that draws on the language and information of the lecture as input to improve students’ oral competence. At the same time, students check the completeness of their notes, which they use for these activities.
Review: reconstruction of different portions of the lecture.
Transfer: questions for discussion or for an oral report on a similar topic in the students’ countries.
Collaboration: to provide opportunities for students to further develop language and academic skills in small groups through discussion, summary writing, and writing answers to essay questions.
Pursuing the Topic: to offer suggestions for further study of the topic through readings, videos, the Internet, and interviews.
Unit Quiz Preparation (at the end of each unit): to help students anticipate unit quiz questions by reviewing notes in order to distinguish main ideas from supporting ones. Students write quiz questions and answer them.
Unit Quiz: to evaluate students’ mastery of the skills and content taught and to simulate the college or university experience of taking a test on content. Quizzes require both short answers and essays. The Unit Quizzes are available on the Heinle Listening and Notetaking Web site: notetaking. heinle. com.
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