LECTURE, PART TWO: Two Main Benefits of All Girls’Schools
1 The following items contain important vocabulary from Part Two of the lecture. Work with a partner. Using the context and your knowledge of related words, take turns trying to guess the meanings of the words in bold.
1 Girls can often concentrate on higher-level, abstract thinking.
2 Girls also enjoy collaborative learning activities and so they work well in groups.
3 Girls become more self-confident without the distraction of boys.
4 If they do not understand a concept, they will ask lor clarification.
5 When girls are in the same classrooms as boys, they often lose their self-esteem.
6 Girls typically sink back in their chairs and wait for the boys to quiet down.
7 Perhaps they can change the "real” w’orld into a place designed to accommodate both women and men.
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Work with your partner. Match the vocabulary terms with their definitions bv writing the letter of each definition below in the blank next to the sentence containing the correct term in step 1. Check your answers in a dictionary if necessary.
a done with other people; joint b respect for themselves c explanations d make a place for e sit timidly f conceptual, theoretical
g something that takes away vour attention; disturbance
Summarizing is an essential study skill. It means reducing a whole lecture (or part of a lecture) to a few sentences. A good summary shows that you have understood what the lecture is about and what the most important points are. It is a helpful record for you to review7 when you are studying for a test.
During the lecture, take notes in whatever w’av works best for you. After the lecture, revise your notes as soon as possible by making sure they are in a clear format and by adding any missing information. Then use your notes to help you write your summary. Reread your notes and select the most important points that the lecturer made. Write a summary in which you explain the main points in your own words.
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Lislen to Part Two of the lecture and take notes in whatever way works best for you. |
Remember lo use symbols and abbreviations. |
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Organize your notes in an appropriate format. Do you want to put vour notes into columns as you did for Part One? Do you think an outline form would be better?
(See “Note Taking: Organizing Your Notes in Outline Form," pages 27-28.) Or do you have another way that you would like to organize your notes?
3 I Compare your notes for steps 1 and 2 with a partner.
4 Following is a summary of Part Two of the lecture. Use your notes to complete the summary. You may need to pul more than one word in some blanks. Then compare summaries with your partner. Do you have similar answers? You don’t have to use exactly the same words because summaries are in your own words.
The Benefits of Single-Sex Education for Girls Part Two: Two Main Benefits of All Girls’ Schools Dr. Mary Frosch
Single-sex education girls’ unique qualities and also
helps girls develop________________________________________ .
The unique qualities of girls include their ability to concentrate on
____________________ thinking at an______________________ age than
boys and their ability to______________________ for longer periods of time.
They also enjoy working in groups and teams. Girls are not as competitive as
boys, but they tend to be________________________________________ .
Boys can be noisy and girls often react by becoming timid and losing
their_____________________ . When they learn without the
__ of boys, girls feel confident in themselves, they enjoy
being____________________ , they help each other, and they freely ask for
if they don’t understand something. In single-sex schools, girls can develop deep confidence in themselves. This self-confidence prepares them to become adults.
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