LECTURE, PART TWO: Questions and Answers
1 The following items contain important vocabulary from Part Two of ihe lecture. Work with a partner. Using the context and your knowledge of related words, take turns trying to guess the meanings of the words in bold.
1 the AIDS crisis
2 the way the mass media treats women
3 the way they stereotype women
4 The language question is also on the minds of international organizations.
5 The girls just stand in the background.
6 By focusing on the language we use about women, we may be able to change their expectations.
7 Does Lhis controversy exist in other languages, too?
8 It is definitely receiving more attention worldwide.
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Work with your partner. Match the vocabulary terms with their definitions bv writing the letter of each definition below in the blank next to the sentence or phrase containing the correct term in step 1. Check your answers in a dictionary if necessary.
a channels of communication – such as television, radio, and newspapers – that reach large numbers of people b ideas that we have about the way people should behave c in a position of less importance d everywhere in the world
e Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome – a very’ serious disease f being considered by
g present a fixed, narrow idea of what they are like h debate, dilemma
1 Read the following questions about gender and language. Think about the kind of
information you might hear in response to these questions.
1 There are many very serious gender issues facing society today. How important is the language question?
2 If we change the way we talk about people, does that mean we change the way we think about them?
3 Docs gender-specific language occur in other languages besides English? Does the same controversy exist everywhere about using gender-neutral language?
Now listen to Part Two of the lecture. Take notes on your own paper using telegraphic language. Use the questions in step 1 as a guide to help you listen for the important points.
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Work with a partner. Looking at the telegraphic language you and your partner have used, take turns answering the questions in step 1 orally.
1 Look at the cartoon. What is it saying? How does it relate to the lecture? |
Finding ways to apply what you have learned is a good way to deepen your understanding of new subject matter.
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Read the following excerpt from a student’s essay. Notice how difficult it is for the student to use pronouns correctly. Rewrite the paragraph using plural nouns and pronouns where appropriate. In this way, you can avoid sexism and also avoid using he/she, his/her, or him/her. You may also need to change verbs to agree with the subject. Compare your completed paragraph with two other classmates.
According. to an article – I Just read, the, ijuality of a university doer, not just teachers,
depend on the – – teacher; but on the – stvele+it. The – teaeher has to make Sure his/her lessons are challenging. and stimulating. 6ut the student is also responsible for doing, her homeworiq brin^in^. her ideas to the classroom discussions, and contributing, her opinions on the topie. He/she must make Sure that he is not being. passive, but are making, full use of the opportunities that are being. offc-rcd to them at the university. For example, the student should be ready to join clvbs and partieipate with her/his classmates on Speeial prjects. He/she ean also leam a lot by having, a job that will bring, him into conrict with all the members of the university. These activities also contribute to a Successful college experience.
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