LECTURE, PART ONE: The Work of a Journalist
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The following items contain important vocabulary from Part One of the lecture.
Work with a partner. Using the context and your knowledge of related words, take turns trying to guess the meanings of the words in bold.
1 So many new stories appear every day that it’s impossible to keep up with them.
2 She should keep in contact with civic organizations in the neighborhood. 3 The reporter can anticipate many of the details.
4 The reporter will probably see a few lines about the crime in the police log.
5 She can begin to interview witnesses.
___ 6 These details will make the story more credible.
7 It’s important not to report anything that is scandalous.
8 Sire will go back to the newsroom to write the story.
9 She might talk to her editor to decide whether she has a good story.
Work with your partner. Match the vocabulary’ terms with their definitions by writing the letter of each definition below’ in the blank next to the sentence containing the correct term in step 1. Check your answers in a dictionary if necessary.
a supervisor of reporters
b groups of citizens who organize activities to help and improve the neighborhood c read all of, stay informed about d know’ in advance e people who see a crime happen f shocking, related to scandals g easy to believe
h office at a newspaper where new’s is prepared for publication і record of crimes
Remember that you do not always have time to choose the best format for organizing your notes clearly w’hen you are listening to a lecture. If the notes you took during a lecture are disorganized, choose an appropriate format and put your notes into that format as soon after the lecture as possible. It is important to have clear notes so that they are useful tools with w’hich you can study. The more you practice taking notes, the easier it will be to choose an appropriate format for them while you listen.
1 Look at the three examples of notes on Pan One of the lecture below. Example 1 is an example of a student’s disorganized notes on Part One of the lecture. They were taken while the lecturer was speaking. Examples 2a and 2b show two different ways that the same information can be organized into clear formats. Example 2a is in column form and Example 2b is in outline form.
Example 1: Disorganized notes of Part One of the lecture, “The Work of a Journalist,” that were taken by a student during the lecture
M?. Sarah Coleman: from Pvent to StDry — Making. It to the – New?
Pt. 1: The Work – of a Journalist
New? — everywhere (radio, TV, newspaper?, Internet) journalist? (= reporters)
entertainment і’?
? port? ‘ erime
r’ship w/orgl?. £>/: poliee, fire dept, politieianS, religious/evie orgi?
£>х: fight, knife
p’s job go to Seene get faet? ^whit? when? where? who? – interview witnesses name job Ja^e – talk, to ed. – eheefc faet? |
Example 2a: The first part of notes clearly organized in column format based on the information in Example 1
Ms. Sarah <Joleman: from £vent to Story — Making. It to the New?
Part One: The Work, of a Journalist
Main Idea? New? everywhere Journalist? report new? J’S establish r’ship w/or^ls |
radio, TV, newspapers, Internet
diff’ types of journalist? (reporter?), entertainment, sports, erime
poliee/fire dept?., politieianS, relig/ei’/ieorgis
Example 2b: The first part of notes clearly organized in outline format based on the information in Example 1
M?. Sarah Coleman. "From Cvent to Story — Mating, It to the – News
Fart Onto: The – Wodc of a Journalist
I News everywhere: radio, TV, newspapers, Internet
II Journalists report news
A Jiff’ tijpeS of journalists (reporters}
1 entertainment
2 Sports J erlme
6 J’s establish r’ship w/or^.’S
1 poliee/fre Jepts.
2 politicians
^ reli^/ciu’ic ok^Is
Now listen to Part One of the lecture and take notes on your own paper. Pay attention to the signal words to help you follow the lecture.
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Decide whether you want to organize your notes for Pail One of the lecture in column format or outline format. Then, complete the notes in Example 2a (column format) or 2b (outline format) by adding information from the notes you took in step 2.
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