LECTURE, PART ONE: Gender-Specific and Gender-Neutral Language
1 The following items contain important vocabulary from Part One of the lecture. Work with a partner. Using the context and your knowledge of related words, choose the best synonym for the words in bold.
__ 1 You get my point, right?
a understand me b agree with me c aren’t sure
2 A safe option is to use what we call "gender-neutral” terms, a method b probability c choice 3 Children internalize the idea that all leaders are men. a reject b question c get 4 I’m facing a dilemma. a controversial topic b difficult choice c hard fact 2 Compare your answers with a partner. Check your answers in a dictionary if necessary. |
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Now listen to Part One of the lecture. Take notes on your own paper using telegraphic language. Use symbols and abbreviations wherever you can. |
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Look at these notes on Part One of the lecture. Notice how the note taker uses telegraphic language, symbols, and abbreviations. (Review the list of symbols and abbreviations in "Note Taking: Using Symbols and Abbreviations,” page 43, if necessary.) Read the notes and think about what kind of information might belong in the blanks. |
3 Use your own notes to complete the notes in step 1.
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Compare the notes you took on your own paper and your completed notes lor step 1 with a partner.
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