INTERVIEW WITH BARBARA: Life in the city, country, and suburbs

Here are some words and phrases from the interview with Barbara printed in bold

and given in the context in which you will hear them. They are followed by definitions.

to escape from the urban ills: problems

unless you like to putter around and build things: spend time doing small projects around the house

Besides, the country has bugs: insects

You are being stung: bitten by insects

People who like a lot of stimulation, you know, can’t hack it: are not comfortable with it, dislike it

The whole car culture thing kicks in: becomes important

In the country and the suburbs, you’re labeled: thought of in a limited, restricted way by your neighbors




1 Read the following questions before you listen to the interview with Barbara.

1 What is interesting about living in a city?

2 What happens when city people go to the country?

3 Why are cars so important in the country?

4 What are the pros and cons of the suburbs?

5 Is city life lonely? Is it dangerous?




Now listen to the interview and take notes.

Work with a partner. Tell your partner part of the interview, and then let him or her continue. Include answers to the questions in step 1. (You can review your notes first, but do not look at them while you are speaking.)

INTERVIEW WITH KENNY: Pros and cons of city living

Here are some words and phrases from the interview with Kenny printed in bold and given in the context in which you will hear them. They are followed by definitions.

What finally drove me out was the traffic: made me leave I felt like I was trapped: unable to escape

I didn’t want them cheering for different sports teams: supporting I have my ups and downs: sometimes I feel good and sometimes I feel bad My mother was dropping my daughter off: bringing her home

This is just a law-abiding grandmother: someone who obeys the law Other people complain about graffiti: writing on walls wild, remote places: distant, away from the city, with few people Give me some trees, streams, boulders, and animals: rocks on gray drizzly days: rainy

The gray of the buildings blends in with the gray of the sky: mixes with, becomes like the ideal place to live: peifect, best

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