1 Look at the chart below that shows the percentages of jobs held by women in various professions in 1975 and in 2000:
Percentage of jobs held by women |
Auto mechanic Child-care worker Computer programmer Dentist Economist Lawyer, judge carrier Nurse Physician Teacher (elementary) |
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percentages |
Source: U. S. Dept, of Labor, 1975 and 2000 |
2 Discuss the following questions with a partner.
1 In which fields did women make the most gains between 1975 and 2000?
2 What information in the chart particularly suiprises or interests you?
1 Read the beginning of a conversation between Jack and Sheila, a manied couple.
They are discussing an article Jack read about gender stereotypes.
Jack: Hey, Sheila, I just finished reading an interesting article about
gender inequality in the workplace. It’s bv Natasha Josefow’itz.
Sheila: What does she say?
Jack: Well, she talks about common situations that happen to
employees who work in offices. Here are some of them:
1 The employee is going to get married.
2 The employee has a family picture on his or her desk.
3 The employee is talking with a coworker.
4 The employee is going to go on a business trip.
Then she says that coworkers react differently depending on w’hether the employee in the situation is a man or a woman.
Sheila: You mean that people react differently if, for example, the person getting manied is a man or a woman? Tell me w’hat the article says.
Jack: OK. Let me see w’hat I can remember. . .
2 Discuss the following question with a partner:
How do you think people react differently to the situations Jack mentions if the employee is a man or a woman? Why?
► PLAY |
З і Listen to what Jack remembers about the situations in the article. Take notes on your ora paper.
4 Compare your notes for step 3 with your partner. Did you understand the same things?
О AMERICAN VOICES: Belinda and Farnsworth
In this section you will hear Belinda, a successful American entertainer and filmmaker, describe her feelings about discrimination against women in the workplace. Then you will hear Farnsworth, a social worker who helps people with emotional problems, give his views on gender discrimination at home and in the workplace.
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