AMERICAN VOICES: Evelina, Arpad, Gail, and Tom
In this section you will hear four people share their opinions about crime. First, you will hear Evelina and Arpad, the parents of a young boy, discuss their fears about crime in society. Then Gail, a professional dancer, and Tom, a graduate student, will talk about being crime victims.
Look at the two pie charts below that classify arrests in the United Slates today. The chart on the left classifies arrests by age group. The chart on the right classifies arrests by gender. Work with a partner. Fill in the chart legends with your guesses about the age and gender of people arrested.
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Check your responses using the answer key at the bottom of page 102. Were your guesses correct? Does any of the information surprise you?
Here aie some words and phrases from the interview with Evelina and Arpad printed in bold and given in the context in which you will hear them. They are followed by definitions.
I’ve never actually been struck by crime: personally affected
I see big groups of kids roaming the streets: walking around with no clear purpose if it’s a rowdy teenage group: noisy, wild Guns might not be visible: able to be seen
I’ve never seen anyone with a gun and much less seen a shooting: even less, certainly haven’t
It’s very random: that’s what worries me: without any definite pattern A bullet struck him in the leg: small metal object fired from a gun
Kids who gel into gangs don’t have that much contact with other people: groups of young people who are involved in antisocial or illegal activities
It’s a recipe for disaster: situation that will lead to serious trouble
Arpad, Daniel, and Evelina |
The government has such a slack attitude toward guns: lazy, not interested
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