AMERICAN VOICES: Eddie, Leslie, Ralph, Vanessa
In this section you will hear six people of different ages give their opinions about the positive and negative effects of various forms of media.
1 Work with a partner and read the following positive and negative effects of the media. Discuss each effect and find an example that you and your partner agree about. Write the examples in the blanks.
Positive effects Example
Keeps the user well informed NewCpape-K tell t/C tvhah к happe-ning in #ie – world
Is entertaining
Is a good use of time
Is a good form of communication __
Allows users to share opinions _________________________________________
(Other positive effect)
Negative effects Example
Causes users to waste time
Encourages violence
Has too much advertising______________________________
Encourages people to think alike
(Other negative effect)
2 |
Now look at the forms of media below. Choose three. Explain to your partner the positive and negative effects each one has on you.
• Television • Video games • Magazines • Internet
• Telephone • Newspapers • Movies • Other?
Opinions about media
Here are some words and phrases from the interview with Eddie, Leslie, and Ralph printed in bold and given in the context in which you will hear them. They are followed by definitions.
maybe a wasteful effect: something that makes you use time badly Video games restrict the things kids do: limit
Do big kids know the difference between fantasy and reality: something in your imagination, not real
The reason is not because they’ll make you deranged: crazy, mentally disturbed Violent games. . . just make Lhe kid a little bit more antisocial: less friendly Leslie
I used to think they were just trendy: the latest fashion a status symbol thing: sign of being rich or important She is able to keep tabs on us: know where we are Ralph
Eddie |
Ralph |
Leslie |
You’ve got to keep an eye on the movies your children watch: pay attention to You’ve got to check out the program: become familiar with
► PLAY |
Work with a partner. Read the descriptions of the people who were interviewed in the left column. Then listen to parts of their interviews. Write the form of media they are discussing in the right column.
Person Type of media
Eddie is 15 years old. He is interested in sports, music, and traveling.
Leslie is 24 years old. She is currently studying
to become a teacher.
Ralph is 40 years old. He is a plumber and
► PLAY |
Now listen to the entire interview with these three people. As you listen, take notes on the positive and negative effects of the form of media each person is discussing. Write your notes in the chart on page 86.
Person |
Positive effects |
Negative effects |
Eddie |
Leslie |
Ralph |
З і Compare your notes with your partner.
Opinions about media
Here are some words and phrases from the interview with Vanessa, Felix, and Richard printed in bold and given in the context in which you will hear them. They are followed by definitions.
It’s completely drained of all real information: without, empty of
[News is influenced by] the corporate and political interests: powerful corporations and political groups
The news is totally manipulated: controlled
anything that is not prepackaged: prepared in advance
Sports give you a lot of character: good qualities
I like a good whodunit: mystery movie (from the words “Who done it?")
Parents are the nucleus of the family: center
Especially when the kids are in their formative years: young age when good or had qualities are developed Richard
You have to look at the trade-off: disadvantages 1 link up with people: communicate
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