Why to study abroad it is difficult?
Present that you moved to study absolutely to other country.
How think, will study you difficult or not?
Students, tell that it is difficult.
What at the beginning disturbs training?
Let’s understand training "reefs" abroad.
1. A language barrier, and sometimes and double (when the training program, for example, in English, and the language environment – Polish or German).
And even to study in English is not the same what to look series in the original since it is necessary to read scientific works, lectures, textbooks where there is a lot of professional lexicon.
2. Adaptation. It always takes some time. Besides if you live in a hostel, it will be necessary to grow roots, buy necessary things, ware, linen, etc. Household questions at first take away a lot of time.
3. Differences of educational process abroad from educational process in the Ukrainian higher education institutions. During study in Germany, for example in a magistracy, lecture occupy only 30 % of time.
In the rest of the time it is necessary to work in groups, to be engaged in self-training, to write works. Moreover, it is impossible to hammer on pairs. They need to be visited.
In higher education institutions abroad nobody chews a material, it is necessary to be engaged in self-education really. It is good, if you on hands will be given the list of the authors which works need to be read. They, of course, can be found in libraries, but even in that case the student foreigner should meet some difficulties.
For example, to be defined, what article from 200-300 to take as a basis how to put into practice the found material. And if to remember that the student on a diagonal does not read, it is necessary to spend for it a lot of time.
Besides in libraries at higher education institutions there is a lot of literature and materials for training therefore even on vacation sometimes it is necessary to endow rest and to study. After all to take with itself one-two textbook and to go to have a rest it will not turn out, there will be tails.
4. An independent choice of subjects for training and schedule drawing up. If subjects are chosen unsuccessfully, it is necessary to alter the schedule, any subject to refuse.
5. Other criteria of estimation of works. Teachers tell, what requirements at them to work for that they from you wait. But all of you fulfilled requirements or not, sometimes it is possible to learn after receiving an assessment. By the way, it is necessary to waste time to study rules of registration of works as they differ from the Ukrainian standards.
6. Work and study combination. If you go to study not 5-6 years if your program is calculated only on 1,5 years and it is necessary to improve also the knowledge of a foreign language, it is desirable not to look for a podrabotka. You after all know, why went abroad?
Certainly, if you dream to study abroad, it is not necessary to be afraid of difficulties. The only thing, it is necessary to approach to a question seriously, soberly to estimate the forces and to remember that training abroad is not travel, not parties and not cheerful pastime.
To combine regular parties with occupations it will not turn out. It is necessary to study much and not just when the inspiration came.
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