Where to go to study abroad?
The diploma of the European sample received abroad, considerably raises employment prospects in Ukraine. Therefore many try to graduate abroad.
For a start future student needs to familiarize with the list of the countries, giving education opportunity to foreign citizens, and then to issue and pay the contract on training. But before it is necessary to consult in the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
Here to you will provide information on existing interstate contracts which presume to apply for the budgetary training. More often such agreements are signed with neighboring countries. In the Ministry of Education also will report, it is necessary to prepare what documents for the budgetary foreign training. Besides, it is necessary to take an interest in accommodation conditions for the period of training, the size of a registration fee.
It should be noted that for study abroad it is necessary to know host country language well. In Australia, for example, demand the document confirming such knowledge. It can be TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language – the Test of English as foreign) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System – the International system of testing on English).
To arrive in the British higher education institution, it is necessary to be disaccustomed year on preparatory office and to pass examinations. Reception rules in various higher education institutions of Great Britain of foreign students have the features. The general only that for training it is necessary to have the certificate about secondary education where among all examinations at least two are handed over on "perfectly".
It is necessary to translate documents into English and to submit to the Uniform customer service (UCAS). Transfer happens conditional and unconditional. If conditional transfer is offered to the entrant, means, it is necessary to execute a number of conditions: to pass examinations, to be tested or interview.
For training in Germany it is necessary to pass examination in German. Documents necessary for receipt provide in department of university which is engaged in reception of foreign students (Akademisches Auslandsamt/Auslandsbeauftragter). It is remarkable that after leaving school in German higher education institution it is possible to arrive only in case of certificate existence with honors or medals, and also previously having graduated from preparatory office. In Germany there are paid and free higher education institutions, the age qualification of the arriving – from 17 to 45 years.
Rabota+karyera edition
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