The Olympic Games for entrants
One of possibilities for school students of 9-12 classes to arrive in a higher educational institution appeared not so long ago and enjoys already popularity among the Russian entrants.
Children start to reflect on the career some years prior to final and look for information on welcome days, the various actions connected with this or that higher education institution.
The third year in CIS and Baltic countries to school students it is given the chance not only to check the knowledge, but also to enter the university in advance.
We speak about the Olympic Games. One of the largest higher education institutions in Russia which carries out the Olympic Games is the National Research University «Higher school of economy». The third year in the Olympic Games can take part not only citizens of Russia, but also children from CIS and Baltic countries.
Olympic Games conditions simple, for passing of the first stage it is necessary to have Internet access, to be registered and pass test in the designated day and hour. Passed the first stage, are invited for the second, internal passing of test. Internal tests will take place in CIS and Baltic countries.
Winners of the Olympic Games can apply for the budgetary places in higher education institution, on the same conditions, as citizens of the Russian Federation, with granting a hostel.
All actions and training programs are realized by NIU VShE for school students and students from CIS and Baltic countries free of charge.
On November 1 2011 in NIU VShE registration on the interregional Olympic Games for school students which will last till January 10, 2012 opened.
The first (selection) correspondence stage – from January 14 to January 29, 2012
The second (final) internal stage – from February 23 to February 26, 2012
In some countries both stages of the Olympic Games will be carried out in an internal form.
Information on NIU VShE:
University profile — the block social and economic and the humanities, and also the mathematics and informatics At «The higher school of economy» work 22 faculties as which more than 16 thousand students study.
C 2009 in NIU VShE Management on cooperation with CIS and Baltic countries which is engaged in actions for youth and teachers from CIS and Baltic countries and as advises all entrants concerning receipt works.
Management on cooperation with CIS and Baltic countries
Address: 109028, Moscow, Pokrovsky Boulevard, 8, p. 1, оф. 304
Phone: +7 495 725-30-01
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