The higher education in Switzerland
Switzerland is well-known not only the resorts, but also universities.
And campuses of some higher education institutions are directly at the bottom of the Alps.
It should be noted that in this region universities which prepare experts for work in the sphere of hotel business and tourism mainly settled down.
Therefore to students how to be told, even it is necessary to be able to combine the resort atmosphere with study and practice.
What Swiss higher education institutions are popular at entrants recently?
About hundred years ago foreigners went to Switzerland to study medicine and banking. Professions of financiers used popularity also. Now students choose higher education institutions which prepare experts for hotel business.
According to polls which are carried out by research group TSN, the last some years leading positions in the world on quality of training of specialists occupy two Swiss higher education institutions:
– Glion university (Glion Hotel School);
– Lozannsky school of hotel management (Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne).
Though the school and university are considered as the most prestigious, other educational institutions of Switzerland will be glad to students also:
– Hotel Institute Montreux;
– Swiss Hotel Management School;
– IHTTI School of Hotel Management;
– Cesar Ritz Colleges Switzerland;
– Les Roches School of Hotel Management.
For the reference: the Swiss higher education institutions in a rating of 200 best universities of the world 2013.
The British company QS Quacquarelli Symonds presented the version of a rating of the best higher education institutions of the world. To this rating got at once 7 Swiss higher educational institutions.
They took the following places:
– The 12th place – the Swiss higher technical school of Zurich;
– The 19th place – Federal polytechnical school of Lausanne;
– 71 places – University of Geneva;
– The 78th place – the Zurich university;
– The 110th place – Basel university;
– The 111th place – Lozannsky university;
– The 154th place – the Bern university.
Than distinguishes training in Switzerland?
The education system in Switzerland is interesting to that it includes the most attractive elements of training techniques which with success are used in higher education institutions of France, the USA, Great Britain and Germany.
Efficiency of such approach to training is proved by statistical reports of the international analytical groups. For example, more than 60 % of successful financiers of the world received in due time the Swiss diplomas. In the hospitality industry (hotel and travel business) 90 % of an administrative board – graduates of higher education institutions of Switzerland.
From advantages of training in Switzerland it should be noted possibility not only to improve the English, but also to learn in addition French, Italian and German.
How to arrive in one of the Swiss higher education institutions?
It is impossible to call procedure of receipt the extremely difficult if the entrant does not apply for the post in state university or on faculty, where very rigid quotas of transfer of foreigners. For example, on specialties pharmacology and physiology the quantity of places for students from other countries is always limited, and on medical faculties (including stomatologic and veterinary) foreigners practically do not take.
For receipt it is desirable to receive the certificate confirming knowledge of English: IELTS (points are not lower 5.5-6.0) or TOEFL (550-600 points).
To arrive in one of the Swiss higher education institutions, it is necessary to have on hands the certificate secondary education. In higher education institutions of Switzerland can quite enlist the graduate of school with GPAs in the certificate, but it is necessary to study seriously as at universities of Switzerland with students do not stand on ceremony: practice of assignment is rather widespread.
If the student who has received the bachelor’s degree plans to go to Switzerland, then it is necessary to consider the following:
1) the diploma should correspond to the international standards;
2) the specialty received in Ukraine, should have a direct bearing on that field of knowledge in which the student foreigner wants to be improved. Otherwise it is necessary to pass to be disaccustomed according to the Post Graduate program.
What Ukrainian companies help with receipt in the Swiss higher education institutions?
1. International student’s agency "Star Travel" (Kiev, Kharkov, Lviv, Ivano-Frankovsk).
2. Study Bridge company (Kiev).
3. Educational agency "Apriori" (Kiev).
4. Agency by training abroad "DEC education" (Kiev).
5. Company "Feod Group" (Odessa, Kiev).
6. Educational agency "International House" (Kiev).
7. Litera company (Dnepropetrovsk).
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