The higher education in Great Britain
Whatever occurred in world economy, good experts will always use a great demand. Not casually in the developed countries investments into education are considered as the most reliable. And the diploma of prestigious educational institution is the best recommendation for the employer.
When speech comes about the most authoritative universities, colleges and schools, first of all mention Great Britain – the country which made the education system a world brand. Educational institutions of this country strongly take the highest places in the international ratings. Not casually to receive the British diploma many foreigners, including young people from Ukraine aspire.
Study in Great Britain is not only knowledge of the highest test and excellent language practice. It is the admission to highly paid positions in the leading world companies. Statistically, even in the homeland, in Ukraine workers with the West European education have a salary in one and a half-two time above, than their contemporaries with diplomas of domestic universities.
However it is simple to arrive to Great Britain and the student of English higher education institution to become unreal. The British educational system besides high school, provides a so-called course of post-secondary education (Further Education). Only after its termination it is possible to apply for hit in number of students of university. Rules are identical to all – both for foreigners, and for citizens of the United Kingdom.
In this regard fine start for future young specialist are elite British private schools and colleges. They have an extensive experience of work with foreign pupils who come to Great Britain including to pass the course Further Education.
Each school or college is a special world, with the history, culture and traditions. Here not simply give knowledge, but bring up the teenager as the personality, helping to open and realize his talents. To be the pupil of the British school or college – all the same, what to consist in elite club. And this already in itself is excellent incentive to self-improvement.
As a rule, the British private schools have classes with a small amount of pupils – about 8-10 people. It allows teachers to give an attention maximum to each of "wards". Besides, private schools and colleges have the right to form own curricula, according to personal needs and possibilities of pupils.
Such approach to education yields magnificent results. Not casually graduates of private schools and colleges are accepted first of all even by such prestigious higher education institutions of Great Britain, as universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Moreover – owners of diplomas of private schools and colleges easily pass in higher education institutions of the USA and other countries where the higher education in English is available.
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