The best cities of the world for students – a rating 2015
The QS company shared the Rating of the best cities of the world for students (2015).
It is interesting that this rating is addition of a known rating of QS World University Rankings.
This year on the first place Paris, by the way, the city takes this position in a rating the third year in a row, from the moment of the rating basis (2012).
His main competitor – London this year took only the third place, having conceded the second to Melbourne.
As always in QS World University Rankings rating there are a lot of American cities. In TOP-50 them 8. The USA are followed by Australia as its 6 cities too got to this TOP.
This year for definition of the best cities of the world for students 18 indicators were used. They are incorporated so that it was possible to estimate each city on such five key categories:
– rating of higher education institutions;
– variety of structure of students;
– zhelannost;
– activity of employers;
– availability.
In a rating of this year there are cities of 29 countries of the world. Europe, as before, dominates with 20 cities in the list. Europe is followed by North America (12 cities from which 8 are in the USA), Asia (9 cities), Oceania (7 cities) and South America (2 cities).
This year to a rating for the first time got Pittsburgh from the USA, Coventry from Great Britain and Osaka from Japan. Let’s note that the cities where the quantity of the population exceeds 250 000 people in whom there are at least 2 higher education institutions which got to university ratings of QS get to a rating only.
The list of the best cities of the world for students of 2015:
1. Paris
2. Melbourne
3. London
4. Sydney
5. Hong Kong
6. Boston
7. Tokyo
8. Montreal
9. Toronto
10. Seoul
11. Zurich
12. Vancouver
13. San Francisco
14. Munich
15. Singapore
16. Berlin
17. New York
18. Chicago
19. Barcelona
20. Vienna
21. Canberra
22. Oakland
23. Brisbane
24. Buenos Aires
25. Taipei
26. Beijing
26. Edinburgh
28. Copenhagen
29. Adelaide
29. Manchester
31. Los Angeles
32. Dublin
32. Shanghai
34. Kyoto
35. Stockholm
36. Milan
37. Amsterdam
38. Perth
39. Helsinki
39. Madrid
41. Philadelphia
42. Washington DC
43. Moscow
44. Santiago
45. Coventry
46. Pittsburgh
47. Brussels
48. Osaka
49. Prague
50. Mexico City
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