Swiss Education Group: the international employers appreciate the students passable training
above Practice always was an integral part of vocational training, but today its influence on the career future of students is great more than ever.
Especially actually it for the world industry of hospitality – the most dynamic and highly paid branch of a services sector.
Standards of new day
According to Phillip Gardner, the director of the center of researches of student’s employment at the State university of Michigan (MSU), from everyone, even the yesterday’s graduate, large employers expect inclusion in working process since the very first day. "The problem of preparation for a workplace completely lies now on colleges and universities", – he notes.
According to polls of the center of market researches in the field of the international formation of ICEF Monitor, training (especially foreign) allow to receive practical experience, to come into contacts, to get professional confidence and necessary skills, being in the circle of real colleagues and clients.
For foreign students it is important doubly as allows to pass to category of internal recruiting, having made thereby the competition to young resident graduates.
Are always ready
The practice question anywhere so is not actual, as in the hotel and restaurant sphere. Service of a VIP-class does not forgive mistakes by inexperience, and therefore to a personnel set here approach with all gravity.
At the Swiss schools and the Swiss Education Group institutes preparing shots for the industry of hospitality, the practician begins already at the first year, almost from first day. Work on result – whether it be laying of tables, preparation of dishes, drawing up of business plans or design of new services (to what, however, still it it is necessary to "grow") makes not less than 50 % of training.
In three years of a bachelor degree 2-3 training are provided, each of which lasts one semester (4-6 months). At least one of them will be organized outside of Switzerland.
Students live and study on the basis of the hotels adapted under educational needs, therefore in the nature of things here service by first-year students of banquets, performance of duties of servants, and later – and participation in the service organization. The main principle of preparation is simple: the ascension begins with the lowest step.
Switzerland – one of best of the most comfortable directions for tourism, but study here is the complete antithesis to rest. In Cеsar Ritz College, for example, from the crane "Evian" flows, and from windows the view of Lake Geneva opens. However on an admiring of time is not present, as from 6th morning to the 8th evening students work hard for the benefit of future career, being trained in higher education institutions of Switzerland.
It is important that during practice semester they do not pay for training, and receive money for the first labor steps. The monthly salary of trainees makes from 2168 to 2450 Swiss francs a month. During foreign practice of a salary is slightly higher.
In contact to career
Process of preparation of students to professional life in SEG is not limited to one training. To unite cultures, the countries and the people, and at the same time to reduce young talents with leaders of the industry specialized events help. Two times a year the Swiss educational group holds the International forum on a set of the personnel (International Recruitment Forum) – one of the largest events in the field of recruiting.
Here recruiters of known world hotels, the resort centers, airlines, cruising agencies gather, suggesting young people extraordinary possibility to come into of perspective contacts already at a training stage.
Yesterday’s visitors of a forum, and today – young professionals, graduates of SEG schools hold leading posts in large networks of hotels: Hilton, Hyatt, Kempinski, Marriott, Ritz, etc. The most "running" positions – the manager of business projects, the head of personnel service, the sales director, the operational director and even the managing director.
The Ukrainian graduates of SEG whom since 2005 some tens are already, also realize themselves in the successful companies and projects: hotels Premier International, Opera, organization of large national actions (such as "Euro-2012"), etc. Many of them work abroad.
All note that study in SEG as well as possible promoted career success. All necessary skills – from laying of tables before strategic management they got on postdegree programs and everyday intensive practice.
The international experience gave the chance to receive that is given much with great difficulty – an arrangement and openness, readiness for innovations and original cosmopolitism.
The exclusive representative of five schools Swiss Education Group in Ukraine and Moldova is the educational agency DEC education. Concerning receipt and study address to managers of agency:
– having sent online inquiry
– having called by phone (044) 390-76-24 (Kiev) or (322) 23-85-05 (Kishinev)
– having come to office to the address: Kiev, Podvysotskogo St., 16 or Kishinev, Sfatul St. Tsery, 18, оф. 34
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