Secondary education in England
Averages and higher educational institutions of England are considered as one of the most prestigious in the world. For graduates of schools and higher education institutions of Great Britain often there is a hunting, many companies try to catch them in the staff.
Nevertheless, when it is necessary to choose private school boarding house in England for the child, it would be desirable, that it could adapt, join quickly there in process of training and quickly found friends. It is important after all not only study abroad, but also living conditions.
Education in England is always saturated programs
At private English schools of the program of occupations are very saturated. Plus that in one class 10-15 children study only. Therefore, each pupil receives enough attention. Besides, the relation to children – as to own: for progress can both praise, and scold, but will surely achieve that the child showed in study and in sports the maximum results.
It is necessary to add that achievements in sport of pupils at English schools are appreciated not less, than knowledge. Sports occupations surely are present at the school program. At all schools there are platforms for basketball, football, tennis, pools, and at many private schools there are own golf courses.
Three trimesters – feature of training abroad
Education in England has one more feature is the academic year consisting of three educational trimesters. The winter trimester begins in September. It lasts to the middle of December. In the first of January the second trimester begins. Training during a spring trimester comes to an end at the end of March. In the middle of April the summer educational trimester originates. Children to the first half of July study.
By the way, not at each school it is possible to start training strictly in September. Having agreed with the management of some private English schools, it is possible to send the child on training at the beginning of any of three trimesters.
As to vacation, children, as a rule, carry out easter and Christmas vacation in the family circle.
When it is better to children to arrive in private school?
The main set in England in elementary school begins in 8 years, then in 11 years or in 13 years (at this age children arrive in high school) and, of course, in 16 years. From this age children study according to the A-level program (preuniversity preparation). It is desirable, that the child knew English – in England as it is not strange. training initially goes on the anglyisky.
These terms are considered as the most optimum to start training. However, if at the chosen school there are places for training, to send the child abroad it is possible at any age. The only thing to make a reservation to the child at school costs not later, than in one year prior to the beginning of training.
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