Rating of higher education institutions of the USA in which doors are open for foreign students
From time to time the bureau of the international information programs of US State department publishes the list of the foreigners of higher education institutions of America most popular in eyes.
In total in the American higher education institutions more than 760 000 students foreigners study. Most of all students from China. They go in advance with a big separation from pupils from other countries. India, South Korea and other countries further follow. In November of last year in TOP-25 the Russian Federation got also, and Ukraine is in this rating even below.
What American universities and colleges involve students foreigners?
TOP-5 looks thus:
1. University of South California. This higher education institution of the USA is considered one of leading research cents of the world. The greatest number of students foreigners here studies.
2. Colombian university. It on the 5th place among the oldest higher education institutions of the USA.
3. New York university. Faculties and colleges of this higher education institution are in more than in 25 countries of the world. It is not surprising that this American educational institution is popular at students foreigners.
4. University of the State of Illinois in Urban and Shampeyn. (It not Illinoysky university! It is not necessary to confuse these two higher education institutions.) The campus of this higher education institution is known that it the most convenient for disabled people and pupils with limited abilities.
5. Michigan university. One of the programs involving students, concerns management of the commercial enterprises.
TOP-10 higher education institutions of the USA on Forbes rating
If you want to study in the USA, but did not solve, what higher education institution to prefer, we suggest to get acquainted with Forbes rating.
Feature of this rating of Forbes that any of universities of League of an ivy this year did not head TOP-10. Nevertheless, their positions are high. All universities of League of an ivy got in TOP-20.
1 place – Stanford University, California
2 place – Pomona college, California
3 place – Princeton university, New Jersey
4 place – Yale university, Connecticut
5 place – the Colombian university, New York
6 place – Swarthmore college, Pennsylvania
7 place – Military academy of the USA, New York
8 place – the Harward university, Massachusetts
9 place – Williams college, Massachusetts
10 place – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Where to address in Kiev, to get education abroad – in the USA?
1. International student’s agency "Star Travel". On a site of the company it is possible to be tested free of charge, necessary to start training and receipt in higher education institutions of the USA: SAT – for those who wants to arrive on бакалаврат; GRE – for those who arrives on a magistracy; GMAT – for those who wants to arrive on the Magistracy in the directions business, finance and economy.
2. Educational Company STUDY.UA. The company offers the program of preparation for receipt in higher education institutions of the USA and in universities of the USA in Kings Colleges (mission of this college in that qualitatively and effectively to prepare foreign students for future training at the American universities).
3. Company "Esperanto Travel". Offers receipt in such higher education institutions – Arkansas State University (Arkansas), California Lutheran University (California), California State University Fullerton (California, district Orandzh), Colby-Sawyer College (New Hampshire), Iona College (New York), Long Island University (New York), Mercer University (Georgia), University of California, Irvine (South California), University of Findlay (Findlay, the State of Ohio), Pine Manor College (Boston), New York Film Academy (New York).
3. Programs of the academic exchanges of Fulbrayta in Ukraine. Students of older years and graduates of the Ukrainian higher education institutions can address in the organization to arrive in the American higher education institutions for receiving degree of the master.
5. Center of youth education. The company is engaged in preparation of entrants for receipt in the American higher education institutions and assists in training in higher educational institutions abroad.
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