Participation in the international program

Participation in the international program Alice Fedorov, teacher of political science:
– Yes, I am very happy that took part in the international program. Three years I lived in France in the suburb of Paris – at first as Au-pair, wrote then there the dissertation, in parallel working besides with the nurse.

These years much that to me gave – and fine knowledge of language and culture, and possibility to get quality education in France and simply experience of life in other country. Now I plan to defend the master’s dissertation and approximately in a year to leave somewhere else: this time not to France though I there also had friends. I very much liked to travel thus so here now I choose the following country where I would like to go.

Andrey Biryukov, student:
– When studied in the 10th class, I took part in the program of an exchange for seniors and the whole year lived in the USA and studied at ordinary American school. I can honest tell – tremendous year! The culture, traditions, customs of Americans very strongly differ from ours. And it is even more – that we got used to think about them. Also was tremendous to look at this life that is called from within, – to be the simple American teenager.

For example, at us it is considered to be that the American education is much worse than ours. But it not so – it simple another, there to school students give opportunity to choose that they want to study and is how profound. As a whole, I am very glad to that to me was possible to visit such remarkable country, to get mass of friends and to become the member of one of the American families – we still we correspond with my reception parents.

Oleg Miloslavsky, student of economics department of KPI:
– I participated in the international program on Malta. It were courses of studying of English. Frankly speaking, it is very disappointed and I consider that in vain spent money. First, simply awful conditions and relation. Us did not meet at the airport so to reach a place it was the share of a taxi that ran into money. Numbers in hotel appeared small and uncomfortable.

The linen and towels to us changed all once a month though it was supposed that is 4 stars. Secondly, English courses on Malta … The muffled girls, which plainly do not know language, try to teach the others. Unfortunately, I gathered new knowledge, only communicating with the service personnel and tourists, – thanks to it it was possible to improve a spoken language a little. As a whole, I very much am not satisfied with a proyezdka and I will not take part any more in similar programs.

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