Language course in New Zealand
Many students go to New Zealand for the sake of language practice when study English.
There is a large number of the language centers at higher education institutions, private language schools and the centers, various individual both excursion educational programs and other.
Experts say that a language course in New Zealand can be good alternative to expensive training in Great Britain or Australia.
The main thing – to pick up the good program for improvement of the English.
Thanks to a big variety of the language centers to New Zealand there comes a large number of school and university students, business youth which wants to raise the level of possession of English. Besides, here it is possible to devote in parallel with studying of English remained time to rest, work, communication with foreign partners or travel.
Language course in New Zealand is focused on listeners with different level of foreign language skills, programs are calculated on any age.
In general all courses of studying of English in this country can be divided into some types:
1. Base, general programs.
They are offered by the majority of schools and higher educational institutions of New Zealand. The course of a foreign language includes training to the letter, informal conversation, reading and audition. The program is constructed so that to capture the main aspects of grammar. The course can be standard or intensive.
Occupations are usually carried out till a dinner, that then listeners could get at excursion, have a rest or solve business questions. If a course intensive, then occupations can be spent during time convenient for the listener. And on occupations additional educational modules of vocational or academic training are used.
2. Examination courses
Allow to be prepared for delivery of tests for knowledge of English. These courses are popular in school students and students. After all they allow to prepare as fast as possible a floor for delivery of those examinations which each entrant foreigner should sustain at receipt in higher education institutions or during employment. As a rule, universities and the companies demand, that competitors showed the certificate on delivery of the tests TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge SAE or Cambridge CРE.
3. The programs calculated on the academic year.
Such programs combine profound studying of English with preparation for examination in higher education institutions. Sometimes duration of a course is a little less – half a year. Such courses are good in democratic cost and the fixed start dates and the training end.
4. Business English language courses.
By drawing up of programs for these courses the special attention is given to the purposes of studying of English. The accent becomes on studying of professional lexicon in a concrete field of activity, on drawing up of business documentation.
5. Courses on type studying foreign + rest.
It is ideal option for school students as training is combined with interesting outdoor activities, cheerful actions, excursion programs and campaigns. Here it is important to pick up courses for the child for age, on level of knowledge that it was interesting to it. After all boredom – not the best way to organize effective training.
To choose suitable courses in New Zealand, it is necessary to decide on the purposes of studying of English. Options only a little:
– to arrive in foreign higher education institution or school;
– to get job in the foreign company;
– to move to the PERMANENT RESIDENCE to the English-speaking country;
– to communicate with foreigners or foreign business partners;
– to communicate during tours.
If the purpose – language studying for receipt in school or in higher education institution, employment in the foreign company or immigration to other country, then it is necessary to choose courses with preparation for delivery of concrete examination on knowledge of language. Here the first criterion for a choice of a language course in New Zealand.
The second criterion – time which you are ready to give to English studying. At language schools there can be 4 options:
– it is no more than three months;
– three-six months;
– 6-24 months;
– it is more than two years.
After you solve, are what is the time ready to spend for studying foreign in New Zealand, can choose necessary type of the visa. Besides, duration of a course influences existence or absence of the right of employment according to the student’s visa.
Let’s note that the right to work (it is no more than 20 hours per a week and during winter vacation) can be provided to such categories of students.
1. To students who pass a full course training in state university or private educational institution within at least two academic years or a full course of training in the country which comes to the end with obtaining the New Zealand qualification for which charge points within Skilled Migrant Category.
2. To school students of the twelfth and thirteenth year of training who pass a full course of training in the country if there is a permission of administration of school and parents.
3. To students who pass a full course of training in state university or private educational institution within at least six months if primary purpose – development of language skills and if there is IELTS certificate where the general assessment not less than 5 points at the moment of submission of all documents for receipt of a visa.
One more important question which is necessary for solving, – a site of language school. Let’s note that many language schools are in Oakland, but cost of courses here is higher, than in the province.
For preparation for examinations of IELTS or TOEFL it is better to stop the choice on courses on the basis of universities, such as University of Otago (Dannedin, Yuzh. lake), University of Auckland (Oakland, Sowing. lake), University of Canterbury (Christchurch, Yuzh. lake).
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