Kindliness on one million
The international hospitality today – one of the most dynamically developing industries, comparable on profitability unless with oil or almazodobychy. As the main resource the comfort, and a revenue — a roof over the head in a distance from the house which every day needs more and more the traveling managers, the sent business agents and tourists greedy for VIP-service here acts.
In the XXI century the hotel and restaurant sphere has all preconditions to become the world’s largest. The international council on tourism and travel (WTTC) predicts growth of this market by 23 %: from 249 million workplaces in 2012 to 323 million in 2021. The largest international networks — IHG (4500 hotels, including Intercontinental, CrownePlaza, HolidayInnи other), Marriott (3000 hotels, including Marriott, RitzCarlton, Renaissanceи other), Rezidor (400 hotels, including Radisson, ParkInn, Regent) and pursue others and by 2014 intend to open ambitious plans from 100 to 1775 new hotels worldwide.
Guests all the year round
The hospitality industry — exciting, dynamic, full of prospects and possibilities the career direction, but from stepped into this way it demands remarkable persistence, commitment, initiative and readiness to work for 20 hours per day.
Michel Gehrig, the head of department of career development of Kempinski hotel (Geneva), the main criterion of selection of the personnel formulates simply: «To us are not necessary the manager, leaders — inventive and creative are necessary to us, capable strategically to think and able both to accept a praise, and to take responsibility».
Consent to overcome arrogance also grow gradually — one more of qualities of an ideal otelyer. The director of department for a personnel set in the Kiev hotel "Opera" Anna Medvedev notes that such line graduates of the European hotel schools possess while only. «Students of the Ukrainian higher education institutions, coming to interview right after native almamater, surely want (and sometimes even demand) an executive position, motivating it with that they already 5 years learned to be the manager».
Work for the rest benefit
The mechanism of the organization of hotel and restaurant business is simple and logical: the personnel should be appreciable only on a workplace — from the porter to the managing director. This sphere is so profitable, as far as is nervous. In expensive hotels for misses do not fine, and at once dismiss. However, to be scattered by the personnel each employer will afford not, after all from severe punishment of the manager can suffer and new clients. Therefore in Europe not only to personnel selection, but also its training treat with all gravity.
«Today in each European country some specialized schools are based, however the leader of preparation in this area still is Switzerland, whose quality standards of service are considered as a professionalism standard» — Natalia Tarchenko, the director of the international educational agency DEC education tells.
From couple of tens professional higher education institutions in Switzerland two educational associations — Laureate International Universities and Swiss Education Group have the greatest social capital.
The last offers programs of a bachelor degree (BA) in the sphere of the organization of hotel services and services, ivent-management, tourism, cookery, and also provides degrees of the bachelor of business administration (BBA) in such directions, as management of the hotel and restaurant and resort industry. Also here programs of postdegree education are available.
As the main feature of training its practical orientation acts. Students live and study in the hotels adapted under schools, and the academic semester alternates with a semester of paid training (to 2500 шв. фр. in a month). Training language — English, but a number of specialties provides also intensive studying of German and French.
To unite cultures, the countries and the people, and at the same time to bring together talented students with leaders of the industry the International forum on a personnel set helps. This one of the largest events in the field of the recruiting, visited by personnel managers of known world hotels, the resort centers, airlines and cruising agencies. Thus, students receive extraordinary possibility to come into perspective contacts already at a training stage.
If to set as the purpose work possibility in any country of the world and life of the original cosmopolitan, professional education in the sphere of hospitality will be as it is impossible by the way. «The international diploma in this area opens wide career prospects, a striking example to that — achievements of our students studying in higher education institutions of SEG» — madam Tarchenko is sure, whose agency exclusively represents all five higher education institutions of SEG in Ukraine. «Is among them and celebrities — for example, the sister of Olympic champion Yana Klochkova Anna who has ended HotelInstituteMontreux».
Cooperation with schools of the Swiss educational group DEC education the beginning in 2004. During this time to comprehend knowledge of hotel and restaurant business agency sent some tens students. All of them do today successful career, as in Ukraine, and abroad.
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