Incidents in Work & Тravel
Oksana Nikitin, student of HAI:
– Three years ago I participated in the program Work&Oravel – worked in a large supermarket as the assistant to the manager. Many unforgettable impressions are connected with a trip and memoirs, but the arrival still I remember with a smile.
I should fly to the USA together with other participants of group, we were expected by flight to New York, day on excursions and walks, and only then – moving to the main residence. But there were unforeseen circumstances and so left that I flied not with all, and in two days, and one. Me should meet, help to lodge – generally, all as is necessary. And now present: I arrive to New York, and nobody meets me.
The airport, heap to the people and I – do not know what to do, where to go. And still it appeared that at that time I strongly overestimated the knowledge of English, – almost understood nothing. Generally, addressed to employees of the airport, they allowed to call me, gave to drink tea and transferred in hands meeting which got stuck in a stopper and consequently was late.
Everything managed safely, but here the feelings while I understood that there was in the huge unfamiliar city one, remember very well: at first fear and a panic, then determination and when everything ended – again a panic. But somewhere then I realized that I can itself and stand for myself, and solve arising problems.
Tatyana Vasilyeva, the engineer on quality ON, the Artemis company:
– When was the graduate student, I went according to the program of the academic exchange for training in Germany., Of course, there is a lot of impressions, but the case which occurred to me approximately in a week after arrival more often is remembered.
We with my colleague from Italy should transfer documents from one laboratory to another. All of them are locked, my colleague had which sheaf. We come with the colleague into the lift, loaded with documents, and here, as ill luck would have it, at it this sheaf slips out and falls directly in mine.
As a result – a situation: she in general practically does not speak German, I understand, but to speak still I hesitate, and the unique duplicates lie in liftovy mine. There’s nothing to be done – it was necessary to call the lift attendant and to explain to him, in what a problem. It is possible to tell that so – in a critical situation – I started talking in German. Everything ended well – keys to us got, I even communicated to our savior for that is called got to talking a little more. After that problems with language at me was not.
On newspaper materials
"Work plus Career"
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