How to become the student of higher education institution of Great Britain?
Whether it is possible to be prepared and enter the university independently Great Britain?
Whether it is necessary to address thus in the consulting companies by training abroad?
In recent years there was a large number of the consulting companies which specialize on education in Great Britain.
Besides annually in Ukraine conferences, exhibitions which are devoted to education abroad are organized. On them representatives of universities and schools arrive to offer and sell the services.
Why today when on the Internet a large number of information, it is possible to contact directly representatives of higher education institutions, the similar industry prospers?
After all actually it is possible to organize to the child training abroad always, even if a family not so well-founded. What for this purpose it is necessary?
1. To concentrate on English studying.
And level should be such that future student could write the small report on one of subjects of astrophysics, chemistry or other subject. Choose that school where the entrant will receive good base in the main sciences: in mathematics, biology, physics and so forth.
2. In free time subjects (etc.) need to be learned mathematics, physics, biology in English.
Today on the Internet there is a large number of textbooks and examination tasks which can be used for self-checking.
3. By the time of when the child will finish education at school, it is necessary to leave on one of the funds helping entrants from Ukraine.
For example, on Pinchuk’s Fund, Firtash’s Fund, etc. When you will contact in advance the organizations, can receive consultations from the expert who then will keep your demand. Do not forget that universities have system of grants. But to receive a grant, it is necessary to be best of the best.
4. If you in a condition to pay education and training of the child abroad it is independent, pay attention that is offered to you.
Choose intelligently.
5. One of ways to facilitate to itself a task at receipt in higher education institution of Great Britain – to get to the British school.
Choosing it, surely pay attention to statistics of receipts of graduates of school in 10-ku of the best universities of Great Britain. By the way, the school needs to be visited.
It is necessary to look at accommodation conditions, on school students. It is bad, if at school a large number of Russian-speaking pupils. Usually at such British schools of children do not learn, instead – organize their leisure. It is best of all to choose school on a rating, but not from the first ten, and from the second.
6. Be defined, what subjects need to be learned, what examinations to hand over.
For this purpose it is necessary to solve in advance, in what university the receipt is planned, what subjects will be studied there by the entrant. Testing the International Bachelor or on system is better to pass on system Edeksel.
Why? Because at universities of Great Britain then there are no questions to objectivity of these tests, it is not necessary to pass additional testing. If the school of such system does not support, will enter then higher education institution of Great Britain more difficult.
And at last: all information on how to get a good education in England, abroad, is in a free access. And here its selection, the analysis and conclusions – entirely on your conscience.
If you believe that will not consult, address to advisers. But be convinced that they do not offer you the list only from 10 educational institutions with which improved the relations. Do not limit the choice already at the first stage.
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