Features of studying of language in England
Choosing the country of studying of English, not лишне to take into consideration and that circumstance that English in Great Britain — is primary, correct, graceful and beautiful English which is clear everything, worldwide.
And English language courses in Great Britain will give the chance to you to receive classical phonetics and to acquire that grammatical system of language which is a sample and base.
And, undoubtedly, that lexicon which English studying in England will allow you to take not only in passive, but in most that on is an active lexicon, will be a certain card and a class sign everywhere where you started talking in the English. In it the main feature of studying of English also consists in England, namely — its iskonnost.
You will arrive to study language to the country which created it. And, therefore, knowledge which training is capable to give to English in Great Britain, will be reference by definition. After all any teacher who conducts a language course in England — not only the professional, but, at the same time and the native speaker.
High professionalism of the teachers conducting English language courses in England, speaks also that language schools of Great Britain are the most known and skilled schools in the world in the field of English teaching to foreigners. This direction of education is extremely developed in England as it started to be created earlier, than anywhere, in the middle of the last century, in the first post-war years.
Housing for the visitor
Now training to English in England has such variety of forms which you will not meet more anywhere: these are schools and courses on any age, in any place of the country; with any duration, and also in a combination to various professional activity and types of leisure. Having exactly decided to study English in England, it is possible to pick up a course which will be optimum from all points of view.
And "points of view" should be taken into consideration different, differently it is important to be correctly informed on circumstances which accompany directly to study during stay in the country. And main from them, certainly — the place of residence and the sum in which all complex of expenses for English studying in England will pour out.
As to placement of the school and university students coming to Great Britain to study or improve language, in tradition of language schools — accommodation in families or in student. small towns of universities and colleges. The last meets in the summer when the main structure of students parts on vacation more often.
So if you chose for yourselves summer English language courses, the settlement option in a student’s hostel for you is quite real and in that, as to independence in household trifles and possibility to have itself is the most free, can be — is preferable. However thus it is not necessary to dismiss that circumstance that training to language in England develops of many components, including from daily communication, and not just profile occupations.
And from this point of view the placement option in a hostel loses, so there you will appear among the same pupils foreigners while, having lodged in an English family, you not only can is high-grade to communicate with native speakers, but also learn "from within" a set of curious and picturesque details of an everyday life of British — that call «aroma of the country».
It is especially characteristic for families out of the capital, after all English studying in England — it not only a language course in London. Provincial English families are quite often much more sociable, than capital.
As a rule, summer schools of England, as well as other language schools, combine in the programs purely educational hours with common cultural actions: various excursions and visit of sights. And if this tourist component for you among important priorities, it is necessary to choose English courses in London, instead of somewhere in other place of England, after all the British capital is simply the center of old times and all is impregnated with history.
Though in that, as to quality of training, English in London practically does not differ from a language course in other cities as does not differ almost and training cost. And here accommodation costs, a food and entertainments in the capital it is essential above, than in other England.
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