English in England for children
There comes a season of holidays and vacation, and it means that before parents again there is a problem – where to send children to have a rest. Thus it would be desirable, that the child was under supervision and did not hang about, learned a lot of new, received mass of impressions and gained any useful skills, after all at early age everything is so simple for mastering.
How to make possible a combination useful with pleasant? And to make it it is absolutely simple, it is necessary to send only the child on a language course abroad. Here he will receive also mass of new impressions and will manage to study a foreign language or to raise the language level.
Certainly, you always have an alternative – to write down it on foreign language courses and to leave under supervision of grandmothers and grandfathers, but in this case you deprive of the child of rest so necessary for it, and occupations by a foreign language become it in burden.
Besides as though much he was not engaged in Ukraine, in any case its communication in language will be limited several hours, abroad it should communicate constantly that will quickly allow to break a language barrier and it is good to acquire the received material. From for borders your child will return the holidaymaker, full of strength and impressions in addition with considerably improved knowledge of a foreign language.
For whom the statement is a secret that the most effective are the language schools being in the country of studied language, that is English is better to learn in England, Spanish – in Spain, and Finnish – in Finland.
So, what possibilities of studying of English exist in the country with the same name and what travel agencies can offer your child?
At the moment it is possible to tell with confidence that with what purpose you would not send the child on English language courses, always it is possible to pick up the program most answering to your inquiries. It is possible to choose a course of any intensity, any duration, in the most suitable terms.
In summer vacations travel agencies offer the following possibilities of studying of English for school students and students:
Summer camp
Here children also study at once and have a rest. As a rule, summer camp for foreigners are in the suburb of London and there come children and teenagers from 8 to 15 years. It is necessary to tell that children from 8 to 15 years prefer to settle and train in suburbs of London, in picturesque small villages, instead of in the London as it is safer.
Summer camp for foreigners settle down at boarding schools, colleges, universities and other residences. Children also study and live in one place. It is important to note that for children of 8-15 years to be trained in English in England is more expensive considerably, than for more adult children.
There is it because for the first continuous control is required, big responsibility, schools should employ tutors, obtain the special license and many other things, and adult children are more independent, they in a condition to look after itself and it is more rational to dispose free time.
Language course for children from 16 years
Include directly training plus excursion entertainment program. By the way, about the last it is necessary to learn as much as possible, namely what sort of excursion the school will organize, whether there are places for sports activities as children’s leisure will be organized, whether above-mentioned services enter into course cost. Trips on a language course to England can be arranged as individually, and in groups.
In the first case time of a trip of your child does not depend on a group set, and it will get to language environment absolutely new to it that is a positive factor as it will be constantly compelled to communicate in English, and it means to break a language barrier, to improve the knowledge of a foreign language. There will live the child, most likely, in a family though accommodation and in a hostel, or in room specially removed for this purpose is possible.
In principle, sending the child in a trip individually, you can pick up to it any conditions of accommodation, training, number of excursions etc. Such trip, most likely, will be more expensive a little, than the summer camp, or as much – everything depends on the picked-up program. The group trip will manage for $200-300 cheaper, than the individual program.
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